| | Water Fasting

Week 2 - SW 220, CW 210, GW 165 (M, 5'9", BMI 31, mostly 16:8)

I stepped on the scale this morning and bummed that its now 2.5 lbs more than yesterday. The rational part of me knows that not all of it can be fat-gain, and likely a good portion is water weight. The part that is getting me down though is that I hit a low point on the scale recently at 206 lbs about 4-5 days ago, but since then the scale has slowly been creeping up. Being honest with myself I don’t think my portions have changed significantly in this time, if anything I’m still eating smaller portions than before. Regardless, I decided to take this momentary setback in my measured weight to focus on the less-measurable benefits that I still appreciate since starting intermittent fasting 2 weeks ago. I also decided today, in light of this setback, to start documenting my weekly thoughts here. More so for me to be able to look back to my train of thinking, preoccupations, successes, and find motivation if/when it slips at time.

Since staring intermittent fasting, I have

-felt more energized during the day

-feel more in control with my body

-feel stronger

-found the motivation to return back to the gym

-noticed a (*very small) change in how my clothes are fitting and an (*even smaller) change in my waist measurement (40” –> 39”)

-feel lighter

-feel happier

-THE BEST PART of it for me has been appetite control. I’ve always had a problem with binge eating especially late at night. I honestly can’t explain how or why, but soon after I started intermittent fasting the urge to binge went away too. Admittedly, I’ve had one night where I did splurge and went all out, but still no where near the volume of binging that I would be able to put away before.


I read about intermittent fasting a while back, never thought I’d be able to do it consistently or effectively. I have to admit you all convinced me to give it a shot with great success stories. That would be amazing if I can help motivate someone else to start their own journey


Edit: Please reply with any tips for someone starting off like myself! Open to all advice :)


Edit 2: SW was 212, Highest weight was 220

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Your mindset is great. You will see the weight loss as time goes on, as long as you are consistent! I totally understand the frustration with the scale. I began at the end of December (so, still a relative newbie myself!), at 225…got down to 207 last Thursday. Then had a fun weekend of indulgence with my family and weighed in this morning at 210. It’s definitely water weight. But it’s annoying how stepping on the scale can feel discouraging. Then I put on my jeans for the day ..and felt how much better they fit. Chug some water and keep me it up!


You are on a good path! Ten lbs is actually great weight-loss for two weeks. It’s a lifestyle change, so everything you mention unrelated to your scale matters, too. Just consider how the urge of binging used to affect you. If that’s already better, you will see more change. If you haven’t yet, reduce carbs to avoid insulin spikes.

I (F) am one month in, similar numbers.


I definitely feel on the fluctuations and as someone mentioned, it’s what you’ll have to remember when doing daily weigh ins. Something I do to help with the daily fluctuations is see the loss week to week. So while it may go up between day yesterday and today, I remind myself that it did lower from last week to this week.

It’s a continual reminder that it’s the long game with short victories along the way :)

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