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Weekly Progress Thread - New + Ongoing Fasts

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Currently 48 hours into my first 72, I’ve ran/walked 11 miles in the span of the time. Only had one moment of quick standing of light-headedness/seeing stars. I plan on running another 5-6 miles tomorrow morning and break with baking soda and water at night.

Update: SW: 179 Post Fast: 165 Post Refeed: 168.8

broke on baking soda with water then with pretty large bowl of scrambled eggs with potassium chloride, sodium chloride, cayenne, and ginger. Also followed up with salad as well. Feels good to have first dry 72 under the belt.


I’m in day 6 now and it’s funny to see my urine swap back and forth between short streams of a scary dark apple juice colour to longer fairly pale streams. Guess it’s the body digging more bore-holes in itself and finding water in places it didn’t think it would, as the days go by. It really winges at night though and thinks it’s thirsty as hell, but I just tell it to go and dig another bore-hole.

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Categories: morning baking soda potassium chloride sodium