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Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Intermittent fasting

I am just popping in here to see if I can get advice on losing weight, gaining muscle, and balancing it with Intermittent fasting. I’m currently doing the 20/4 short period. I burn about 1000 calories daily and do a heavy amount of cardio and medium weights.

I’m looking for some guidance on what my macros should be. I’m 5’10 and 164lbs. I’ve been eating about 1300-1400 calories daily and recording it on MyFitnessPal. I’m open to all recommendations and adjustments as needed. I’d want to stick to a high-protein diet.


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Honest advice from someone that cares a lot about the same stuff.

It’s time to switch gears. You really need to get out of this hard cutting mindset. You’re a decent enough weight for your height, meaning whatever your goals are they are more weighted in body composition than strictly scale weight now.

You need to stop counting up your workout calories, blasting yourself with cardio, and eating like someone a fraction of your size - let alone activity level. There’s just no resources to build yourself up or even to properly recover and push yourself with the stimulus needed.

Even if your goal is still to be smaller than you are, you want to be leaner as well not just a smaller version with proportional amounts of muscle mass and similar body fat percentage to where you are currently.

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