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Weight loss stopped


I am interested in knowing if someone experienced the same. I am doing intermittent fasting 5:2 with a calories deficit (I am 170cm, 39 years old). I only eat in a window of 5 hrs between 12 and 17


  1. Day 1 - 1600 calories, 100gr Carbs
  2. Day 2 - 1600 calories, 50gr Carbs
  3. Day 3 - 500 calories, 20gr Carbs
  4. Day 4 - 1600 calories, 100gr Carbs
  5. Day 5 - 1600 calories, 50gr Carbs
  6. Day 6 - 500 calories, 20gr Carbs
  7. Day 7 - Eat what I want even above 2000 calories

I do not exercise and working from home I don’t move that much but I had great results losing weight from 93kg to 78/75kg. Now I am stuck at 75kg with some fluctuation to 78kg and then back to where I was. I was wondering if anyone experienced the same plateau and how you got out of it.

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How long have you been at this plateau? A couple days? Weeks?

You likely need to readjust your calories. Throwing your stats into a TDEE calculator, it’s throwing up 1677 calories a day for “mild” weight loss (of half a pound a week) so you’re right on the cusp. You do have a couple low calorie days in there, but depending on how strictly you adhere on your 1600 days, it might not be enough (are you sure you’re tracking ALL your calories? Forgetting to log a drink here or a serving of butter/oil there is enough to be above that 1677 threshold.) Add to that your day of anything you want, calories be damned… well. Yeah. You’ve hit the point where your body just doesn’t need that many calories anymore. (Which is great news! You’re carrying around 15 fewer kgs!)

I’d shoot for readjusting your calories a bit, but I’d definitely get rid of your “eat anything even above 2,000 calories” day. As you lose even more weight, and require fewer daily calories to maintain your new weight, that feast day is going to have even more impact than it does now.


Also, keep an eye on the prize of keeping it off for life. Having a binge day isn’t a part of a long term health.

Perhaps consider a different fasting schedule. Lots of people have lost weight eating all their regular calories, but in a daily 18:6 schedule.

Like, eat a late breakfast. 3 hours late eat lunch. Almost 3 hours later eat your last meal. Rinse, repeat.

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