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Weight loss stopped. What do?

G’day all, I’ve been on super strict 23:1 OMAD for about 2 months, between 1500-1700 calories per day. I’m used to losing AT LEAST half a kg (1.1lbs) per week, though I’ve had zero weigh loss progress for the last two weeks. What do you recommend I do to get things moving again?

I’m a mid-30’s bloke, weighing 118kg (260lbs). I’ve lost 20kg (44lbs) since August. 40kg (88lbs) still left to go. For exercise I go hiking 2-3 days a week.

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Weight loss is not linear. Two weeks is nothing. If you are accurate about your calories etc. then just keep doing what you’re doing. Weight loss takes consistency and time.

Not seeing scale weight drops doesn’t mean the process has stopped. You could be eating more salty food and retaining water. It could be any number of things.


From what I’ve heard, changing or adding to your exercise regime, and rotating through the different worjouts will help.

Throw some weight work into your routine (doesn’t need to be heavy weights, whatever you prefer) and you’ll likely see some change. But be aware that when adding muscle you may notice an increase in your weight, but you should notice the decrease in size of fat deposit areas.

Also please note the t’s and c’s of taking health advice from internet strangers.


Two ideas:

  1. cut (or restrict as much as possible) refined sugars and carbs (and artificial sweeteners). All of these spike your insulin which is a far storing hormone.

  2. mix up which meal you eat. Some days, eat dinner, then switch to lunch or breakfast every now and again. This tricks your body which can be key to kick start some weight loss. It also forces some longer fasts which can be beneficial too.



Could be restricting your calories too much? If you are already eating lower carb and have cut/reduced added sugars and processed food, maybe open your feeding window a little and add a few more calories. Or simply give yourself a break for a day and treat yourself to something you really love that you haven’t had the past couple of months if your diet is especially strict. Don’t go crazy, just give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done so far, treat yourself to an amazing meal and dessert if you feel like it, and get back on track the next day. Remember this is a lifestyle change, not a quick diet. So look at the long game and not just restrict restrict and restrict some more. After all you don’t want it to feel like a chore or deprivation for the rest of your life. That’s not sustainable.

For the record, my birthday was this week and I opened my window at my normal time but then I had a bit heartier lunch AND dinner before closing my window a little later than my normal time. I was totally prepared to have a blip on the scale that would work itself out over the next few days. But, in fact, I actually went DOWN after my birthday meals! Sometimes our bodies just need a little shake up. Best of luck on your journey! You can do it!


Get a gf, fall in love with her, then have her randomly break up with you and break your heart. That will cause you to lose some more weight. At least that’s what happened to me to push me over the edge lol.

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