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weight loss success stories?

I’m curious to hear about you, ladies! when did you start fasting? what does your diet normally consist of on eating days? how often do you fast? how much weight have you dropped?


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On and off been trying to loose weight for god knows how long, been trying to be keto since last summer but I always end up cheating- anyway I just said to myself, if I start fasting it solves all problems aha, anyway I haven’t had a drastic lost of weight but a lot of people are telling me I look a lot fitter, I got excited today because my hands now have more defined knuckles that I’m really excited about… I’m usually fasting 3+ days with black coffee and electrolyte tablets. I’m still learning a lot but it’s nice to see progress.


Jan 1 I decided to change my diet to lose weight. I went keto (I’ve done it in the past so I knew how to do it). In Feb I added in IF (18:6, or 20:4). In March I decided to give longer fasts a shot, aimed for 4 days, made it 3 and half. April and May I did a 5 day in each. I’ve lost 40Lbs (of the 80-95 I’d like to drop). So halfway to goal in 4.5 months thanks to fasting and keto. Eating days I don’t count cals, just a rough estimate of carbs to keep me keto. Lunches at work are usually cheese and pepperoni, lunches at home are usually some sort of salad with really fatty dressing and lots of cheese. Dinners I keep quite varried, some sort of meat, lots of veg and lots of fat. Generally don’t have dessert or sweets, but I’ve been known to occasionally make keto brownies or cheesecake that last my boyfriend and I a week or so.


I started fasting as a way to limit my weekend eating. I would do really well all week and then ruin everything on Saturday Sunday by indulging. So I read online to not eat until 12 PM on weekends to reduce calorie intake. That slowly lead me to IF, which I started to lose weight for my wedding.

It helped me lose almost 15 lbs before my wedding. Then my dog broke his leg and I fell off - but I’ve stayed at the same weight since I lost the 15 lbs.

I can’t wait until I get back from vacation to start IF again. I normally do 6 days of 16:8 for the first month of IF to get my body used to it. Then I push myself to 18:6. Once I’m in that for another 2-3 weeks I throw in a 24 hour fast on Wednesdays.

I love fasting. It’s going to help me continue to lose the weight I want to get back into being healthy & has completely changed my relationship with food which was very toxic and unhealthy before I found IF.


Now that I’ve been doing 16:8 consistently for the past month, I’ve lost 10 lbs. I also started keto diet (I can PM you my diet plan if you’d like) and have done a couple of 24-48 hour fasts. I aim to lose kind of slowly as I’m trying to put on muscle mass as well.


I just started keto approximately 1 month ago. Fasting 3 weeks ago and Friday and Saturdays only, 18:6 is the longest I’ve done.I’ve only seen about a 5lb drop. Although I can feel it slightly in my clothes. I just started working out last week and I feel great. I’m craving cereal lol! And I don’t think I’ve cheated much. I’ve baked keto cookies to satisfy my sweet tooth, and my bf eats most of them lol!

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Categories: weight loss keto coffee diet to lose weight to fast carbs lunch dinner meat lose weight 24 hour fast 48 hour fast muscle working out