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Weight Loss VS Weight Gain

Since I have been on my fasting journey. Down a total of 67lbs so I am about halfway there! I spend a lot of time thinking about weight loss and weight gain and one thing just sticks in my head. Why is it that no one (I am generalizing) will bat an eyelash if you gain 10-15 lbs in a month (easy for me to do). While those same people will tell you it is “unhealthy” to lose the same amount over the same period “4-8 lbs is the most you should lose in a month”. One would think that getting to a healthier weight to have and maintain a better lifestyle should be more of the conversation, and not that you lost the weight too fast… what am I missing here?

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I put all the negative comments/feedback that I receive after losing 100 lbs on ONE point.

The DIET INDUSTRY has programmed all of us that weight loss is impossible.

Most people ( Myself included) have struggled with weight loss. Losing weight is supposed to be a mental and physical form of torture. Starve/restrict yourself from food and then you have to go to a gym. All the misery for maybe 10 lbs of weight loss.

I started with Low Carb 20 years ago and I maintain my weight loss with IF. It’s frickin easy. No torture, no punishment for my food sins. I have had family members insinuate that my maintained weight loss is a side effect of being a drug addict. I just stopped filling my day with sugar and processed foods. You got this. Learn what works for your life and body.


People are misinformed. Plus throughout human history, being underweight was dangerous and worrisome. One bad winter and your life could end. I think that generational fear is carried over into the modern era, even though now we’re much more likely to die of complications due to being overweight/ unhealthy (cardiac arrest, stroke, etc).


It’s about cutting bad habits permanently, right? So if you lose weight super fast, you’re more likely to fall back into bad habits because now you ‘can finally relax’. If you lose weight at a slower pace, you’re slowly changing your habits for the better, helping you be better able to maintain the weight loss


It’s well meaning micromanagement, like even when you are losing weight, you’re doing it WRONG.

I think it is a lot of backwards thinking. Yes, if you view weight loss as a quick fix with a crash diet you might lose a lot and it won’t be sustainable. But if you make permanent lifestyle changes and accept it as the new way…AND you happen to drop weight faster than 1-2 lbs/week – that doesn’t mean you are treating weight loss like a quick fix!

Unfortunately, the same goes here. When people say they’re losing faster than 1-2 lbs a week, there is a knee-jerk push back of being “too fast”. Maybe instead of jumping to judge, we should ASK questions and LISTEN instead of ASSuming. ;)

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