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What a healthy diet should look like?


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Basic points to reduce inflammation from your diet.

Those are the most important factors in my opinion. I would look at the works of SIIM and Dr Dincalantonio, then also Dr Rhonda Patrick. I’d argue they’re the best period.


For breakfast, have the oatmeal but replace the dairy milk with unsweetened nondairy milk without refined sugars or oils. Sweeten the oatmeal with mashed banana or date paste(dates blended with a little water)/chopped dates/date syrup. You can also add in or top the oats with fresh/frozen fruit, nuts/nut butter, seeds like flaxseeds/chia seeds/hemp seeds, cacao powder, matcha powder, maca powder. You can also have fresh fruit on the side.

For lunch, there are a variety of healthy anti-inflammatory options. Examples include whole grain or legume based pasta with added sugar and oil free tomato sauce and veggies, tofu veggie stir fry with brown rice, vegan chili, Indian lentil dahl, chana masala, potato bean veggie soup, vegan burrito bowl with brown rice, beans, avocado, sautéed fajita veggies, and pico de Gallo, etc

For dinner, have the salad but replace the eggs with a plant based protein like tofu, tempeh, edamame, beans, or lentils. You can also add filling ingredients like roasted sweet potatoes, potatoes, roasted veggies, whole grains, nuts/seeds, etc. You can also add fresh or dried fruit for a little sweetness and lemon juice or vinegar for tang and extra health benefits. You could also add fermented veggies like sauerkraut or kimchi for probiotic benefits and gut health. For dressing, make or buy one without refined oils and sugars. I recommend avoiding oil altogether, as all oils are processed and devoid of fiber, etc. There are many oil free salad drsssing recipes online.

Many plant based foods like fruit and veggies are filled with antioxidants, but here are some examples of antioxidants rich foods:blueberries(especially wild ones), berries in general, sweet potatoes(especially Hawaiian sweet potatoes and Stokes purple), black rice/forbidden rice, dark green leafy veggies, red/purple/black grapes, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, garlic, onion, green tea, pomegranate, cranberries, refined sugar free dark chocolate/cacao powder/cacao nibs, unsweetened acai, oatmeal


I assume you have some experience with eating food so it all depends on how this menu looks compared to your current one and on what you’re trying to achieve. If you’re eating whatever right now and you’re looking to establish good habits I’d eat like you described for a week and log it in a diet tracking app. Then compare your carbs\fats\protein (“macronutrients”) ratio to the recommended guidelines which you can easily google. Then if you care enough about micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, etc. you can see them in the app and look for ideas. It’s a good idea to have at least two options that work for you for each meal so you won’t end up eating the same thing your whole life. Nobody’s diet will have the portions that work for you or the foods you prefer, and they should ideally complete one another to create a healthy diet.

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Categories: healthy diet oil heart nutrition sugar fruit lunch whole grain dinner vinegar fiber grapes tea habits carbs macro vitamin mineral