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What am I doing wrong?

SW: 237 CW: 228 GW: 190 F32 5’6”

Hello 👋🏽 I appreciate any insight!

I have been trying- actively and passively- to lose about 30-40 pounds which would put me at pre- baby weight. I have tried CICO, macros, and after much research started IF 16:8 at the first of the year.

Concurrently, IF with CICO is what I am doing through the LoseIt app which is set for a weight loss of 2lbs per week and permits 1600 calories. I also run 2-3 miles/ 3x week and do some lifting/ body weight exercises as well.

I have been stuck for the last 10 days and the scale has not moved and IT IS MAKING ME CRAZY! I have been getting about 1200-1400 calories per day which is putting me under the daily amount allowed with a strong focus on at least 30% being protein.

HELP! I am trying my best to stay focused and so far this has been the easiest to stick too which I like for long term. Is there something obvious that I am missing?

Thank you 🙏🏼

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Patience is the hard part especially if you’re only focused on the scale. The scale is just one data point and other composition changes can be happening with out the scale going down. It’s only been 10 days which I know feels like a lot but it’s not in the grand scheme. Just worry about doing the things that are on your plan every day and the results will come.


This may sound crazy but has worked for me so far on my journey. Whenever I plateau, I give myself a cheat day or two where I don’t fast or exercise but still try to stay within my calorie limits (food choices aren’t as healthy either). Typically, I’ll rebound and finally start to lose weight after.

For reference I’m 5’2 and went from 180lbs to 128 (current weight) in a year.


First of all give it more time before changing anything, preferably a month or two. My weight will fluctuate up or down 5 lbs based on how many carbs I ate the day before, and it’s even worse for my mom.

Secondly (after sticking with your current plan for another month and seeing no results) If you have been doing CICO for awhile, you may have slowed your metabolism down and might consider either 1) lowering your calories or 2) eating the same calories in a smaller window, or doing alternate day fasting where you’d eat 2000+ calories one day and fast the whole next day.

And lastly have you had your blood work done post baby? I know it’s a touchy subject, but my moms hormones were all out of whack post babies and her body would seemingly defy thermodynamics to keep weight on her.


Gin Stephens, in Fast Feast Repeat, has some helpful comments on this issue. Ten days isn’t very long, but your body may be changing and you just don’t see it on the scales yet. If you’re sticking to your fast, SOMETHING is happening to you body even if weight isn’t changing. Sometimes, you may loose nothing for weeks then drop several pounds in a day or two. You may go a month or longer with no weight loss.

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