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What are some nutrient-rich foods that are important for overall health?

What are some nutrient-rich foods that are important for overall health?

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Apples, they’re my go-to snack. Apples are hydrating as well (not a lot of snacks are, in fact the opposite) and easy to keep on hand during the day. Nutritionally, they’re high in antioxidants and contain certain health-promoting polyphenols that are specific only to apples. Apple nutrition

I eat 1-2 apples a day, and keep a few of my favorite varieties in the fridge.


Nutrients have multiple sources but some powerhouse foods include:

What else, folks?


List of nutrient dense fats and proteins:Grassfed Beef, Pasture raised eggs, Oysters, Organ meats, Raw Dairy: Milk, cheese, butter, kefir.

Fruits: top 3. Berries, seeded watermelon, burro bananas.

Fermented foods to feed the gut micro biome: Raw Kefir or yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented veggies, Kombucha, Jun Tea.

Most important thing you can do for your health at this point in time in my opinion is focus on detoxing heavy metals like aluminum, Mercury, etc and get them out of the body as much as possible. Would also prioritize getting your circadian rhythm in check and lowering your levels of EMF exposure as much as possible especially before bed as they will disrupt your sleep cycle. Make your room an EMF free sanctuary and I can guarantee you, you will sleep better than you’ve ever had. 👍


In addition to what’s been mentioned, calcium rich foods that also provide other nutrients— milk & other dairy (or alternatives for people with allergy/sensitivity), dark leafy greens, canned salmon w/bones, tofu, black beans, to name a few.



Reading organ meat in the comments is interesting. I understand as a whole, they are associated with elevated triglycerides and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Being “nutrient-rich” isn’t an end all category. Even having too much spinach, a nutrient-rich leafy green leads to complications.

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