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What are some things to know or helpful tips for fasting first time ever..

I seen lot of videos about the amazing benefits of fasting and how important it is to do it every once in a while.

It’s my first time doing it but I don’t wanna go all hard doing it. What are some simple ways to start fasting and getting use to it and making it a routine every once in a while to do fasting.

Is it cutting down on sugary food for a day? Drinking water all day? I just don’t know how to start fasting. I’m 26 now, but i feels like I’m consuming too much carbs and not much protein as im vegetrian

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Do keto for a week or so before you start more than a one day fast. You can still do it as a vegetarian. Eggs, avocado, coconut products will help. You’ll go through “keto flu” for a day or so in that week while your body clears out the sugars buuuut you’ll still have food. When you come to the fast going a few days without food is easy as you don’t get hungry as much.

If you are only doing a one day fast just don’t eat breakfast and lunch. Eat more eggs, avos, coconut products, nuts and drop all processed carbs that week. Maybe skip breakfast one day. See how you feel. Try another day. Then just skip lunch when you are up to it.

Drink some salty water with low salt and normal salt mix and take some magnesium tablets. Especially important if you are going more than a day.


You already fast, you just don’t think of that way. Most people fast while they are sleeping overnight, so they usually fast 12-14 hours. All you are doing is extending that time frame.

Work you way up to it. Start by fasting for 14 hours, then 16, then 18, etc. Don’t try to start with a 24 hour fast. Take your time. 3-6 months before you do a 24h fast is OK. It is not a sprint.


Distraction is key! Hunger is fleeting but can feel so overwhelming if you’re used to eating all day. Best to find activities that you really enjoy doing to keep yourself distracted. You’ll also find that fasting becomes easier the more you practice going longer without food! I started out 16:8 and then OMAD. I now swap between ADF or 3x 40 hour fasts a week!

Also, remember that if you do end up eating, it’s okay. A smaller fast is still a win and this way of viewing your fasts helps combat that “all or nothing” thinking! Being consistent over time will bring you the results you’re after!

Best of luck! Xx

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