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What are the most nutrient dense non-meat foods?


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Definitely some nuts and seeds! Hemp seeds, chia seeds and walnuts for omega 3, one or two Brazil nuts for selenium, pumpkin seeds for zinc… a nice mix of nuts and seeds. Another good one is spirulina, chlorella or blue green algae. Also any brightly colored fruits.


https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2014/13_0390.htm Check out the CDC’s list of “powerhouse” fruits and vegetables, which they define as foods providing 10% or more daily value per 100 kcal of 17 qualifying nutrients. Watercress comes out as #1!


Organically grown produce that isn’t sprayed with toxic chemicals and is grown in Living soils will always be more nutrient dense than your average GMO food or supermarket produce so I hope you are going for quality. Most plants lack bio available nutrients so make sure you are fermenting a lot of your vegetables to add in more bacteria and digestive enzymes which will help with nutrient digestion and utilization.

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