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What are your best tips to melt away fat?

Hi peeps

Doing 16:8 fast at the moment , sometimes for longer and it’s going great, but I just feel I can help improve myself a bit better,

Do you have any tips to help melt away fat or tricks ? Some people say apple cider vinegar and green tea etc.

Also do those “fat burning” shakes actually work or hydrocuts etc ?

Thanks for advice!

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Tbh intermittent fasting didnt really lose fat for me until I started lifting some weights. It worked excellently for my focus and cognitive abilities along with stable energy(no more laziness), but I was eating so much in my one meal, along with zero excercise in covid lockdown didnt make things any better.

So decided to go to a gym and gave up grains completely, added lot of fibrous vegetables, eggs and whey(created at home in liquid form). Lost 10 kg in under 25 days. No kidding.


Consistency. Pick what you want to do whether it’s IF, CICO, or something else and plan to do that for at least one year. Not a few months, a year. I’m sure that with consistency, a balanced diet, and exercise you would reach your goal or at least be very close to it by the end of the year depending on your stats. This way you won’t get discouraged and quit. And you give your body time to actually show you the results. Whatever your goal is, you got this! Wish you the best!



Anything marketed as a “fat burner” is a joke. They don’t work. There are some pharmaceuticals that affect fat loss, but you don’t want to go near those either.

I do like ACV if I’m planning on eating carbs, it helps me with bloating and digestion. I make a gut shot with the following: 500ml live ACV (with the mother), 250ml Water, 1tbsp turmeric, 1tsp cayenne, 1tsp ground ginger, 1tsp ground black pepper. Swish with water after. It’s not a fat burner, but I like it’s effect on my gut.

My advice re: Fat Burning is the following:

Try out 20:4 fasting. Consume a 1/4 tsp of high quality salt in the morning and at lunch with water. The longer that you’re in a state of low insulin, the more of your own fat you’re likely burning.

Cut out as much carbohydrate as you can, when you do eat carbs, get it from whole fruit, or complex carbs like sweet potato, oats, or the sweeter veggies like carrots and beets. Carbohydrates fill up your glycogen reserves, making it harder to get into ketosis via fasting the next day.

Stay away from all processed foods, that includes refined sugars and seed oils. Processed foods are designed to override your satiety signals, making it hard to stop. I’m guilty of destroying a bag of potato chips when I start with just a few.

Get the highest quality meat you can afford. Grass fed beef, pastured chicken (+eggs), pastured pork, wild caught fish etc…

Exercise as much as your schedule allows. Walking everyday is good, running is better. Jogging a few times a week with a few good strength training session a week is best.

Get quality sleep!

At the end of the day energy balance is all that matters when it comes to fat loss. You need to burn more calories than you take in. Focus on stopping when you’re full and really listening to your body. As you lose more body fat you can start expanding your eating window to 18:6, then to 16:8. The leaner you get, the less your body wants to pull from your fat stores.

Remember that you can’t outwork a bad diet. Exercise is only 20% of your fat loss journey, the other 80% is what you’re putting into your body.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Good luck!


I don’t have any real advice on weightloss buy I noticed the ACV and wanted to sat, while it’s ok to consume, you can over do it. My husband used ACV daily for idk how long. He ate a really high acidic diet and an ulcer formed. So just be careful with stuff like that. What’s good in moderation might not be the best for daily use.


I read somewhere:

“I would do everything for losing weight, except diet and exercise.”

I could relate before IF. Sad but true.

Magic potion is something you have to drink or apply. My magic potion is working if you don’t drink or eat it! It’s sugar. Works wonders!


Keto + IF seems to be the combination that works amazing for me. Longer fasts to help keep you in fat burning ketosis longer. Exercise in a fasted state. ACV could help keep blood sugar under control and improve insulin sensitivity.
Don’t believe any of the gimmicks, whole foods, no sugar or processed foods or alcohol, clean eating is the best path by far.Consider throwing in a 36h -48h fast here and there and keep your body guessing and keep your metabolism on the boil. The benefits from longer fasts and the associated autophagy are huge for longevity (and fat loss).But the true key is doing what works for you to make this a lifestyle change and not just a diet.


Exercise during your fasting period. I learned from this sub that you can’t burn fat while your body is making insulin. Apple Cider vinegar and Berberine reduce glucose spikes. You can also change the order in which you are eating things to reduce glucose spikes. Eat protein and fiber before carbs. Follow the Glucose Goddess on Instagram. She posts comparison graphs from a continuous glucose monitor that show these differences, for example, here are glucose levels with a bowl of oatmeal vs here is a second graph showing glucose levels if you eat nuts before your oatmeal.


Have something immediately consumable planned to break your fast. If I don’t plan this, I binge whatever is available and that’s pretty much never healthy. Nothing sustainable melts fat faster than a controlled diet


It varies for everyone but I’ve found lots of success in calorie counting (CICO), 20:4 IF, high rep weight training, and jogging.

More simply put, calorie deficit is key. Exercise and IF/CICO help achieve deficit.

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