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What can i try (drinks/food/anything) that could give me energy?

Caffeine doesn’t do the trick to me and i always feel tired even if i sleep enough.

Edit: thanks everyone for your advice!! Im going to look into some of the things you recommended.

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Cardiovascular exercise. I find caffeine does more harm than good for me too. But once you start getting that HR up naturally, you get naturally predisposed to having more energy and capacity for activity in general on a daily basis. There’s also some mitochondrial studies on this, where cardio makes mitochondria be more active at baseline, therefore provide more energy for you.


Make sure you are getting enough 1) sleep, 2) iron, 3) B vitamins before resorting to stimulants.

  1. Melatonin, magnesium and exercise are good for sleep
  2. Leafy greens and meat are best for iron.
  3. Similarly for B vitamins.

After controlling for nutritional/sleep deficiencies, cronic fatigue is also often caused by an underactivated nervous system. Psychotherapy, traveling, novelty… all good for this.


Had a similar problem, used to have huge afternoon dips and overall drowsiness throughout the day. Turns out eating smaller / healthier portions during the afternoon, instead of a huge carbs heavy lunch, and (one of these, not sure which one exactly) B12, D, Omega 3 supplements mitigated the problem considerably - most likely D & B12.

Also exercise, even intense 15 minute workout during the morning, made me feel more energetic during the rest of the day. Also consider checking your sugar intake - don’t let it be too high.


What are your sleep habits?

How many meals and snacks are you eating a day? What are they? How much are you consuming? When?

How much water are you drinking?

Do you take a multi vitamin?

Do you exercise?

Are you depressed, stressed, or anxious? How is your mental health?

Do you take any medications?

Are you already overworked?

There are so many variables that can be evaluated.


Please please please get your blood work done for at least b12 t4 t3 and TSH which will measure your thyroid. I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism for years and felt the same exhaustion, I’ve had my meds for 2 months now and feel like a brand new person.


If you can, see if you can do a sleep study (in Canada your family doctor or a walk-in clinic can refer). If you are sleeping enough hours then maybe it’s the quality of the sleep that is lacking somehow.


Complex carbs, good fat and protein. Lots of good thoughts here in the comment section, but tiredness can also come from too much sugar or just not eating enough. Drinking lots of fruit juice or energy drinks can lead to this feeling. If your diet is pretty good and you eat regularly, sleep apnea may be a good thing to look at as well as blood sugar. How much are you sleeping?


Maybe try eating sugary fruits, like mango, grapes, figs, etc.?

Not sure what your morning routine is/allows for, but doing something immediately after waking up always helps jolt me into the day (like some jumping jacks, push-ups or sit-ups, literally immediately after rolling out of bed).

Hope you find your boost!


Coffee and energy drinks never worked for me. I take guarana pills now and they’ve really worked for me. 1 pill, and I get clean non jittery energy for a good while.

On amazon its called ‘Guarana Energizer’


Green tea I know its got caffeine but maybe ur body responds better to it

or caffeine pills

also u may lack vitaminD

or be anemic

or have hypothyroidism

try sleeping earlier

otherwise maybe try eating more fresh fruits and salads. Especially foods with electrolytes.


OP’s username indicates they have ADHD. I also have ADHD. I can tell you it’s a dopamine problem. I agree with cardiovascular exercise and supplements. Take melatonin before bed. Those with ADHD do struggle to get good quality sleep, and naturally have issues staying stimulated during the day, which is why stimulant meds are often prescribed. I get the afternoon slump myself and if I’m not super busy at work I get really sleepy. I’ve been trying not to resort to an afternoon coffee .


For a quick pick me up I find something spicy seems to wake me up as an alternative to caffeine?

Caffeine doesn’t have much affect on my husband. He could drink a can of an energy drink and go to bed. His sister is the same, just doesn’t hit them very hard.


Taper down/off caffeine. Eat small frequent meals, low carb, eliminate sugar and alcohol. Get good quality sleep. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Get up and move exercise and movement give you energy. Dress for the temperature constantly hot or cold will tire you out. Eat and sleep on a schedule, less stress on the body. Get sunlight early in the day. Swap coffee for a Green tea at first. Vitamin B Complex, Cordycep Mushroom, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha. Eat lots of leafy greens, variety and balanced diet. At night melatonin and magnesium…also recommend reishi mushrooms.Also ponder how you feel, set small achievable goals. Clean up something small. Small accomplishments that make you feel good help propitiate positive energy. Sometimes our mental roadblocks sap us of energy.


I could be way off base but it’s possible you might have ADHD. Caffeine in people with ADHD can actually cause sleepiness and persistent fatigue with plentiful sleep is a common symptom.

source: i have adhd and a psychiatrist


For me its actually reduced calorie intake (only slightly, but i usually eat like a really big guy), drinking water instead of sugary drinks and coffein only right before physical exercise…
If i cant release energy coffein just makes me nervous.
But if i take it i usually take 600mg

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