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What do people think of Dr. Stan Ekberg

I just discovered his youtube channel, and ive watched several videos so far. A lot of it seems pretty scientifically on point in regards to his nutrition recommendations. I particularly like his focus on fundamental nutrition concepts rather than evangelising the virtues supplements or organic foods (he does support organic foods and pastured meats, but he doesnt beat you over the head with it claiming thats the key to living healthy).

On the other hand, he has some out-of-the-mainstream ideas (at least what I see as non-mainstream) on nutritions effect on health. He mainly focuses on sugar and simple carb intake as being the primary thing to avoid (which i agree with to an extent); and that dietary fats from red meats, butter etc are in fact fine (which Im a little iffy about). I know lot of people have this same philosophy as well..

Wondering what other people think? Have you seen this guys videos? Do you agree with his nutrition philosophy?

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> Dr. Stan Ekberg

> Chiropractor

He sounds like an extremely trustworthy human who is clearly an authority in nutrition. He would never push nonsense as science, you know like chiropractic.

Edit: Also don’t get health or nutritional advice from YouTube. Talk to your doctor and/or dietician.


I find some of his advice is useful, like limiting sugar and avoiding refined carbs but he has some god awful takes. His opinion on saturated fat and butter goes against all modern evidence and countless cohort studies. As well as that his demonisation of even complex carbs like steel cut oats and suggestions to even limit fruit intake are way out of proportion.Some of his foundational statements are okay to follow but I would ignore most of what he says as YouTube like nutrition made simple are much less opinionated and give nutritional advice backed by a greater variety of studies and generally more balanced recommendations.


I found his info very useful… After eliminating the garbage he discusses, I have reversed a lot of problems I had before… I always consider the source and he was a previous Olympian.. Doctors and dietitians seem to want to “manage” illness as opposed to curing it… Lot of the American food diet promotes obesity, he is just pointing out the obvious…. America still won’t admit its food & health problems link but eventually the smart ones will figure it out…


I think he explains topics well and I appreciate the visuals.

I happened to listen to a podcast today with someone who has similar beliefs but has better credentials.





He’s a lifelong superfit guy, his information is well presented, and in this of all fields which has credible DIFFERENCES of opinion, he can talk about his own preferences and information. Even just stating various scientific findings when talking about nutrition will bring out strong contrary opinions so take a sceptical position on this guy but an equally sceptical take on people rubbishing him imho. The mainstream is not the arbiter of scientific truth and in this field we are very far away from knowing what that might be due to the complexity of the issues facing us and real limits to what the weak available evidence is.

I actually quite like his channel but he is just one of many nutrition related channels so I dont take his word on its own. Admittedly when starting out learning about nutrition its easy to fall into putting too much faith in one particular authority and I have done that myself.

\~I would like some evidence that what he is saying is wrong or particularly opinionated rather than just strawman criticise his chiropracty rather than what information he presents.

I have plenty of people I disagree with in my youtube feed because I like to have a variety of opinion and this field has a LOT of opinions. He does represent some of the ideas with a bit more certainty than is perhaps warranted when compared to opposite opinions but we cant always undermine with uncertianty everything we say to appease someone else of differing opinion.

The dietary fat and carbohydrate arguement is definately not sorted out yet and it may well be that not all people are the same and cope differently with these 2 macros. This is no great suprise actually considering the variabilty of people and diets. I am doing far better on a low carb diet than I was on a higher carb diet but I cant say for sure that all people should eat like I do even though support for this type of diet is increasing recently and has been around for a very long time.

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