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What do you do the next day when you overindulge the previous day?

I had a couple of days due to client work meetings and dinners/ lunches and personal commitments that I wasn’t able to stick to my usual OMAD or 20/4 and the next day I am just not hungry at all and actually still quite full. Do you just skip that day? Do you go back to your normal IF schedule even though you really don’t want and can’t eat?

Just want to be careful with not developing an eating disorder of some sort (due to stress or my cycle sometimes I binge eat) but IF actually helped me greatly with that for the past 2 years and I genuinely don’t want to see food the next day. Is like eating became boring to me 😅😅

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I eat when I’m hungry. If I had a large dinner and I’m not hungry the next day I don’t eat.

Most of my life I’ve done IF without knowing what it was called, eating one big meal a day. I can’t count how many times I’ve been told that’s unhealthy. Turns out quite the opposite. I’d just eat when I would get hungry. That’s all.


I try to stick to my schedule as much as possible. I won’t eat if I’m not hungry but I don’t skip a day because I “overindulged” the day before. My focus is on nutrients not weight loss/maintenance so my goals are different. I make and freeze a veggie packed soup that I have on these days and on days I’m not feeling well. This way I’m getting nutrients and not forcing down a meal. I also sleep better when I have some fat in the evening.

I travel a lot and also have work commitments around drinking and meals. I don’t drink so that part is easy and when it comes to meals I don’t eat anything I wouldn’t eat at home. The other day I had to go to a fancy Chinese place. They ordered for the table. I made sure the person ordering got things I could eat and I stuck to those. Everyone else went crazy.

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