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What do you think is the best diet to be on while doing IF?

So for some backstory, I started keto and found out about IF through it. Ngl keto was great and IF was so easy for me since I used to unknowingly practice it before and also do fast for religious purpose. But due to reasons I can’t do keto atm and i’ve instead switched to low carb and I try to keep my proteins higher than fats. I hope to switch to keto in about two months when i’m able to do it properly. I’ve eliminated things like rice, bread, roti, pasta etc from my diet. I’ve also cut back on refined sugar a lot. But there’s always that occasional treat LOL. Anyways I wanted to know some of your diet plans and how it has been working for you. Or if you’ve tried different ones I want to know what worked the best for you. I hear stories of some people intaking a lot of carbs and stuff and still having success. Is that beneficial though?

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I’ve tried various ideas but keep coming back to keto, or things very adjacent to keto. I’m currently getting well under 100g total carbs each day, and probably ~40g net on average, and it is great for leaving plenty of room for protein and overall satiety even in a deficit. I’m not saying it’s the one true diet or anything, but it’s worked really well for me and I’m glad to have the keto framework to draw upon.


When I started IF, I was doing some form of relax Keto. Huge history of diabetese in my family and I was on meds for migrains. I realized that cutting refined carbs, virtually all wheat product and refined sugar cured me from my migrains and constant brain fog. I stoped IF for a while after but kept a ‘’keto’’ diet. Yes I gained some weight back. But my migrain never came back and my blood sugar is perfect. Now that I am back to IF I naturally keep a relax keto diet. I just don’t go crazy. I am mindful of what I eat, when I eat and why I eat. I do eat brown and wild rice! Just no refined and process carbs and sugar. Stick to wholefood, unprocessed food.


I’m Vegan, mostly whole food so my diet is naturally carb heavy but I stay away from processed foods, pasta etc.

You can eat what ever you want. The best approach is to have a varied diet with as much fresh, high quality foods as possible. You’ll drive yourself crazy going down the various diet/lifestyle rabbit holes. The average person would benefit most by eating less sugar and adding more fresh foods in to their diet. Beyond that it really only matters if you are going hard at something, have health issues or it’s a lifestyle choice.

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