American here and I know most people eat unhealthy but what foods does this actually include??
That’s like asking what the Asian diet consists of. There’s generally a good deal of rice, but it really varies by country, region, different groups of people. For example, northern China tends to eat more wheat than southern China. But that may also be a generalization from a more traditional time!
Do you have a specific area you are interested in?
According to Dr Greger of nutrition It’s 30% calories from animal products 65% from highly processed carbohydrates and the rest from fresh fruits and veggies.
But he also says it’s all that meat that causes our issues because it couldn’t be that 65% of highly processed carbohydrates right? 🙄
calories primarily derived from refined carbs like white flour, oils (including lots of oil in fried food) and animal products including processed like hot dogs and bacon.
but lots of other countries are switching over to it because they are getting money and its tastier.