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What foods are good or bad to improve energy?

Just what the title says. What foods help improve energy (reduce drowsiness, maybe improve strength and alertness)? What foods do you avoid?

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Caffeine doesn’t directly give you energy, instead it blocks sleep receptors making you not feel tired. So the only real thing that gives you energy is food! Like people have said, all food gives you energy. A lot of high fat high sugar food is energy dense which isn’t necessarily a “good” or “bad” thing, however, I would try and choose foods that are also nutrient dense, meaning they contain vitamins and minerals.


Staying hydrated is key. Also fresh, water rich fruits are great for energy. Another option is a fruit smoothie that is a little heavier on veggies (greens, zucchini for thiccness) with just enough fruit for sweetness.


If I need a little energy boost and a snack I always eat a banana. Bananas are high in potassium which is really important in a LOT of bodily functions including (but not limited to): heart contraction, skeletal muscle contraction, etc. Additionally potassium is the main player needed for your nerves to fire.


Not food, but start your day with 10-30 min of sunlight followed by a 1-3 min cold shower. Has vastly improved my energy and alertness more than anything. Sorry just trying to offer something different


I don’t think there’s any food in isolation that will give you a legitimate energy boost other than caffeine. Improving overall diet quality (increased servings of fruit & veg, wholegrains, lean proteins etc) and moving more, together, will help you feel more energised. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix other than caffeine (though it has its own issues in terms of tolerance, crashing, insomnia etc).


Carbs = energy, but typically should be controlled to some degree. Like most have said, meals should all be balanced. Too many carbs in the morning could cause a midday crash similar to that of a caffeine crash. If you’re looking for a balanced diet you could have your calories set up with 30% protein, 30% fat and 40% carbs and find a calorie amount that’ll satisfy the individual


I feel like grains are terrible for energy. Could be all the mycotoxins in them, or the way they spike your insulin, etc, but you’re not missing out by excluding them from the diet.

Obviously, junk food is bad. And eating excess calories too. These things would contribute to lethargy.


Fresh fruits and vegetables, whatever is accessible and you enjoy. Eat a lot of them, every day and balance it out with protein and carbs, stay hydrated, get some probiotics (yogurt, Kim chee, kombucha, sauerkraut, etc)


Cut out sugar and incorporate healthy carbs, proteins, and fats into your diet. Eat unprocessed foods if you can especially for lunch and dinner when you are more likely to be doing work or resting. For snacks, some good go-to’s are fruits, nuts, berries, seeds, protein bars/shake, etc.

Low glycemic carbs are oatmeal, brown rice, farro, quinoa, lentils, and sweet potatoes.

For protein: eggs, tofu, chicken, and seafood. I also have cut down on red meat mostly due to the price increase and feel much better.

Incorporating greens such as broccoli, string beans, kale/chard/spinach, etc. help a lot too.

Overall, portion control is the most important as well as adequate water intake! I think a lot of these foods come off as extremely “healthy” and can be seen as bland/boring. The most important thing to do is to add seasoning/sauces and if you can, try to be creative with the way you cook your dishes! I hope this helps.


Go get your Colin cleansed. Manage your portion control. Put your food in a small bowl and eat with chopsticks. Cut carbs and sugars. You’ll be flying in a week. If you really want the magic embrace Intermittent Fasting. It does wonders for energy levels. Just got to get through the hard first few days


High protein (eggs, fish, chicken etc) & high carb (whole grains, ideally not in bread). For sustained effects you want the carbs to be complex and include plenty of fiber. There is no food that improves strength, need to work out for that.

Chronic dehydration mirrors many of the same symptoms of chronic fatigue as well. When you wake up you should drink a giant glass of water before you do anything else, when you pee it should be basically clear and if it’s not you need to drink more water.


I started using SuperBeets a couple months ago and my energy has been great. I’ve also been eating a real food high protein diet as well so not sure I can attribute it all to the beets but I certainly notice a boost after I drink it. (It’s a concentrated beet/beet root powder you mix with water)


I read somewhere that having a bad alimentation is bad for your energy and study too. It’s proved that a bad alimentation also interacts with brain cells and it makes you more “stupid”. In spite of this, I can’t recommend you a food in particular because in my opinion the most important thing is your diet in general. I can always suggest dark chocolate (not too much) and dry fruit. Ah, and for breakfast a porridge could be really helpful.


My go to is some Omega 3 eggs, sourdough toast, a glass of coconut milk, a little dark chocolate. Or some gluten free oats with coconut milk and a banana for a quick fix.Apples are also great first thing in the morning.

I aim for foods that are high in Vitamin B12 or nutrient dense. Omega 3 eggs are great for that and several other vitamins. Nuts like pistachios and almonds are great as well. Basically anything that is nutrient dense and organically sourced will be best for you. I stay away from normal eggs because they’re grain fed, high in lectins and lack vitamins. So it actually creates inflammation while omega 3 are fed flax seed for example which contains a lot of DHA good for the brain and nerves.

Buy organic when you can, try and find pasteurized chicken, and grass fed pork / beef. I find the quality of meats makes me feel so much better too — less groggy and more alert because I’m not eating a chicken that was fed corn and grain which is inflammatory to humans when we eat it.


If you want energy you will need protein and carbs that’s what fuel your body. But of course if you want to feel well and maximize your energy level sustainably then the best way is to consume some carbs, protein and vegetables. Fruits are also essential.
Also in case you’re hungry during the day you can have some nuts as a snack.


I get energy from anything I eat regardless if It’s healthy or not. I hear people claim that they get tired from junk food, but I can’t relate I could eat a whole 1000-1500 calories pizza and crush it at the gym two hours later. Only way my energy sucks is if I get bad sleep for a few days.

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