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what if food is your main source of joy?!?!

I feel so good when I fast but the problem is i also get a lot of joy out of eating. It could be chips or apples i still like it. What do you do during your fasts to bring you joy? Also do any of you fast on workdays or no? I have a addiction to junk food but recently tried a couple full day fasts. Never felt better on them (after the first 1/2 of the day) but food is such a dopamine spike especially when you are stressed on workdays….

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I am OMAD and one of those ppl who food brings me joy. Because I only have one chance per day to eat I make sure it’s damn good and high quality. Its definitely something I look forward to every day and it still brings me alot of joy. I do think I have a much better relationship with food now though because I used to use it as a reward for just about anything. That’s not the case anymore and I try to view it as something nourishing (and delicious) to be grateful for every day.


I fast every day. I listen to music, try to get some fresh air and sunshine, see or talk to friends, and get exercise. I try not to think about or handle food until it’s almost time to eat. I still get lots of joy out of eating, I just only do it for a few hours a day. It’s almost more meaningful that way.


Unfortunately I have dreams of eating cake when Im sleeping at night lol. I am into Pilates and it does give me a sense of happiness and calm after I’ve done a 20-30 min class. Similar feeling but much healthy for you than cake.


What do I do during fasts that bring me joy? Go outside and play disc golf or walk my dogs. Stay inside and read a book or try to parse 95+ on WoW.

Eating brings me joy too. More so if I stay disciplined tho. Breaking a fast early gives immediate satisfaction followed by disappointment.


Food just brings me great joy! Struggled for 4 years with chips and junk. I’ve seen and read so much about junk food that i only see pounds of fat on the plate. Might eat that one french fry and done.

Plan out my food that i eat what i like and enjoy in the nutrition category. Also lost a lot of friends who only eat junk, no regrets.


One of the great things about IF is that you still get to enjoy food you like. I’d say you even enjoy it even more.This could also be the opportunity to deal with this junk food addiction, and find new sources of joy.


I really understand you and am struggling with it myself - when I’m feeling a bit down anyway I find I’m wondering why I’m also not doing (melodramatically) the only thing that makes me happy. It’s extra hard when you’re in a phase like I am at the moment where the scales aren’t seeming to budge. I don’t know - I’m seeking new dopamine, and letting myself daydream about what I’ll be having in the magic six hour window. Expensive nut butter helps!

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