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What is everyones refeeding routine after an extended fast?

I just completed my first 5 day fast. I was feeling really good and could have kept going but decided to end it just because the longest I had done prior was only 48 hrs and didnt want to over do it.

I broke my fast with chicken broth and felt fine but a few hours later I had a piece of salmon and some spinach and immediately all my energy plummeted and I felt horrible for 30 mins or so. Im back to feeling good again. Im guessing this is telling me I need to be more gradual with my refeeding.

So I am curious what everyones refeeding process looks like after fasting for 5 or more days.


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After 5 days? Nothing, You don’t need a refeed.

I’d argue you don’t need a refeed at all till you’re looking at 10+ days. Refeeding syndrome is serious, but unless you’re malnourished or incredibly skinny you’re not going to have it. 5 days isn’t nearly enough time for the average person to experience anything other than maybe some slight stomach distress, depends on what you eat.

I regularly go 7-10 days and have a huge meal to end the fast.(like easily 4000-4500 calories in an hour) Been doing it 15 years on and off. Never had anything more than some bloating and gas.

That being said, when you do finally eat after a fast. You usually feel a bit sluggish and weird for an hour or so. That’s not refeeding syndrome, that’s just your body getting an influx of electrolytes and blood sugar and vitamins/minerals. Ketosis turning off etc.


although the video is partially a marketing tool the overall advice is correct.


Personally, I find bananas do better than dates or figs. However, goats milk is excellent as is bone broth/chicken broth. I suggest avoiding solid food like salmon or turkey until several hours have gone by.

The trick is to add healthy, nutritious foods without overloading the digestive system.


Start with chicken broth, then a couple of hours later get a nice lean piece of steak. I refrain from simple carbs like pasta and bread for at least a couple of days. If you ever want to go keto, doing it after an extended fast avoids the keto flu for me.


First meal is a light grilled chicken breast, salt and pepper. Get some char on it for flavour.

Second meal is a bit more, some toast with butter, a protein shake and a piece of chocolate.

Third meal is the rest of the chocolate block, a coke and a family-size bag of chips.

Fourth meal is anything else left in the house.

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