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What is the absolute BEST diet a human can possibly have?


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One with tons of variety. Packed full of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and so on. With regular sources of healthy protein. If you want to not eat meat, go for beans, nuts, and quinoa type foods. If you eat meat go for lean meats like poultry and fish. Eggs are also amazing for you. Try not to over indulge in any one thing and have a lot variety. Oils and fats are healthy, don’t be scared of them, but also don’t over eat them, and some are healthier then others. Home cooked meals tend to be healthier since you control everything that goes into them - and lots of companies pack their foods full of flavor enhancers, salt, and sugar to make them more addicting which can be pretty unhealthy. If you’re a bread/pasta lover like me, consider switching to whole grain. Rice in any form is also good for you, especially wild rice and brown rice, but white is good too.

And make sure you’re drinking lots of water! At minimum you should be drinking 8-10 cups, but honestly shoot for double that or more. Being hydrated will truly make you feel so much healthier. Be aware of the calories you drink too. Some drinks can be very unhealthy due to their sugar content (like soda, cocktails, and juices). Some dairy is also healthy but definitely not necessary. I personally love milk and cheese but you can definitely live without it. Milk and dairy provides calcium, potassium, b12, and a bunch of other essential nutrients but you can get those things elsewhere too. Yogurt is a wonderful source of nutrients and protein too, especially Greek yogurt. Read the labels though because many brands of yogurt have shockingly high levels of sugar in them. Which isn’t inherently bad but it can cause issues (like spiking and crashing energy levels).


An organic Whole Foods diet. All fruits and veggies should be organic preferably local. 100% grass fed grass finished beef from a local farm that doesn’t use gmos, vaccines, or antibiotics preferably that utilizes regenerative agriculture and rotational grazing. Pasture raised eggs not fed gmo corn or soy and that have access to outdoors, sunlight, bugs and grubs for more nutrient dense eggs. If you are a fan of dairy, raw dairy is insanely nutrient dense. However I’d avoid all pasteurized dairy.

Prioritize gut health and include fermented foods. Kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, raw fermented milk and or kefir to feed your gut micro biome and improve digestion.

Supplement with a high quality supplement that has bioavailable nutrients and is not made in a lab. Water purified shilajit and raw living spirulina are the BEST supplements on the market.

Most important thing you can do for health is detox heavy metals. I’d get a hair mineral and heavy metal analysis done to see which heavy metals you have in high concentrations and then make a diet plan based off the results. 👍


Protein (lentil) pasta with chicken breast or beef, veggies like squash, herbs, salt, pepper. Zero fat cheese added on top

Protein shake smoothie with kale, frozen berries, citrus, banana, oats, Greek yogurt

Meat bowl with kimchi, cucumber, carrot, kale, egg

Hummus and chicken bowl with cucumber, edamame, eggplant, olives, tomato, red onion, balsamic, chickpeas, quinoa tabouleh

Ratatouille with squash, tomatos, eggplant, zucchini, blah blah whatever veggies u have

Quest chips protein nachos with beef, lime, fodmap seasoning, tomatos, jalapeños, no fat cheese (high protein lower cal).

U can use olive oil in the cooking pan

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