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What is the best food to eat after an intermittent fast?


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Your insulin spikes regardless of what you eat. Sure some foods do it more than others, but that does not lead to cardiovascular disease by itself. Not sure where you got that info.

As for breaking a fast - do that with protein and easily digestible carbs like berries or leafy greens, and some healthy fats like nuts or avocado. Bone broth is also a good one.


Managing insulin is for specific disease states and likely not relevant to you. You need your insulin to spike for nutrient partitioning. It’s not something to avoid in and of itself.

You want to avoid insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and diabetes (and some others) which can be done almost entirely by being in the healthy weight range.


I’m a n00b to not treating my body like an amusement park for the criminally insane, but I usually go with a couple scoops of whey and a couple of collagen if lifting that morning, or yogurt on a big pile of blueberries on non-lifting days. Insulin spikes happen when you eat carbohydrates, and are more intense when eating processed sugar, but are not evil in and of themselves. Repeated spikes due to a sugary, carb-centric diet are damaging as you become insulin resistant, which then leads to poor glucose absorption, obesity and a gamut of problems known as metabolic syndrome which yep, kills ya.

Some IFers are more thoughtful about what they break their fast with (“always start with bone broth, then after 15 minutes, 2 grams of low-gycemic fruit, then 4 grams of lean protein 23.5 minutes later” etc.), but ain’t nobody got time for that. /r/intermittentfasting is probably your go-to for these intricacies.

That being said, if you are seeing results, keep doing what you are doing! You can always tweak your diet but ultimately, taking care of yourself is not rocket science. Don’t break your fast with a box of Twinkies and you should be fine.

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