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What is the best place to find info for an absolute beginner with Intermittent Fasting?

I was looking here for a post that explains what works, what doesn’t work and most important, lessons learned from common mistakes people made when they first started. I searched the top posts of all time and could not find that info.

A google search is a bit overwhelming with the thousands of results I get.

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Intermittent fasting is pretty simple at the core. Most people do a 16:8 fast, which is 16 hours of fasting and an 8 hour window of eating. For me the easiest is to eat between Noon and 8pm and then fast from 8pm to Noon the next day. A lot of people find this to work for them because a big chunk of the fast is while they are sleeping.

You can have water, black coffee, tea (the brewed kind such as hot or cold black tea, green tea, herbal tea etc) during your fast. No milk, sugar, sugar substitutes, etc during that 16 hour fasting window.

I think that pretty much covers the basics of getting started.


What are your goals?

Generally I would just start with 16-8. Then do longer if you want, once you get used to it. Dont feast before the fasting period, just eat normal meals with as healthly foods as you can. Protien is good and helps you feel full. Drink plenty of water and get your sleep. It doesn’t have to be complicated, find what works for you as you go. Best of luck buddy!


A long but EXTREMELY well delivered lecture on fasting. Intelligent, specific, absolutely informative delivery on what happens when we fast.It inspired my fasting journey not just to some great weight loss, but to a healthier and happier lifestyle.If you don’t have time to watch it all in one sitting - take it in three or four turns. Best wishes.


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