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What is the healthiest canned meat to eat?

What is the healthiest canned meat to eat? I recently stumbled across Safe Catch (https://safecatch.com/buy-safe-catch-tuna/elite-wild-tuna/) and am going to buy this when my current supply of canned meat runs out.

Are there some fish or fowl that would be healthier to eat than wild tuna, or some canned processes that are healthier than others?

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Probably sardines, for their omega-3 content and protein-to-calorie ratio.

I also like low-sodium canned chicken meat for an easy protein add-on to any meal. (We buy Swanson.)

I’ve heard great things about Safe Catch! Enjoy it!


Uggg it’s very possibly whole canned chicken. It’s pretty unappetizing but it’s honestly close to a whole boiled chicken with water and it’s own schmatz.

Here’s a video (though how this guy is most upset that it’s not quite what’s on the can gets me) https://youtu.be/KaOZDp9TX9Y


None. Canned goods in most cases are (over) processed foods containing preservatives that do not offer any health benefits and in many cases are generally unhealthy. Canned and packaged foods provide convenience over quality and health. If healthy eating is your goal, packaged and canned foods rarely fit into that category. The only canned item I stock (in very small quantities) is tuna and I pay attention to mercury testing of brands as well as those with no or very low sodium. I may eat 3-4 cans of tuna per year and it’s usually added to my greens. I’d rather eat fresh tuna over canned. Yes its more expensive but I’d rather pay for something that is fresh and expires if not consumed within days of purchase (unless it is frozen) than save money on something with a shelf life of several months or a year (and is far less healthy an option).

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