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What is your experience on intermittent fasting?

I’m a real sweet tooth. I love love love chocolate and pastries with my morning and afternoon tea/coffee and just some sour candy each night while watching movies, but I’ve realized I cannot keep living like this since I’m getting rounder and rounder and I just start noticing that the daily tasks are getting harder and harder and if I keep this up I won’t be able to do the things I enjoy like taking walks watching the stars and just enjoying nature. So I decided it’s time to start dieting/fasting haha! I’ve always wanted to try the apps that can track my progress and give notifications on whatever I do and this is what I found out:

DoFasting Offers several fasting plans and combines your personal information with solid science to create a personalized diet plan just for you. If you don’t receive your meal plan immediately - you must wait for about two hours for the company’s professional nutritionists to develop a plan. The app offers a good alternative to going on your own. Also helps get everything together and a lot of recipes, so you can track all the variables included in a weight loss journey. Suggestions, tips, notifications, and reminders make everything easier and give lots of motivation.

BodyFast is one of the most widely used It offers ten fasting plans along with a weight tracker and trophies for achieving certain goals. For a premium rate, you can get an individual plan created by a coach.

Fast Habit is another popular fasting tracker. It does not come up with a customized plan for you, but it does keep track of your progress and allows you to upload or manually add your fasting history.

Vora is a good option for people looking for more accountability. This tracker includes extensive fasting statistics and analytics, as well as the possibility to manually add fasting history and social networking programs.

Intermittent fasting is really challenging but really worth it(For those who want to lose weight like me haha, I haven’t tried it yet but I can see positive reviews and experiences about fasting). Wanted to share this with you guys. If you have any recommendations on other fasting apps, Let me know in the comments. Starting my journey soon, I just need to choose one of the apps that I just listed above


Would love to know about your experiences!!!!

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My experience with IF has been life changing. I have been doing it for a little over 3 years.

You can definitely lose weight with it, but it’s more of a lifestyle than anything. It makes planning the next days meals so much easier. I normally eat 2 large meals with a smaller meal in between. I use the Zero app. Once I click the button and it starts my fast…it’s on.

The main benefit for me has been the increase in self discipline. This has helped me with many other areas of life. Now I just set a goal and go get it. IF is rock solid and I highly recommend for anyone looking for more structure in their day to day routine.


Dofasting app is so easy to follow and with the notifications.. and reminders makes things so much easier, It helped me to stay focused and encouraged me to plan my meals ahead, which greatly aids in weight loss!


I have been practising IF for a year now. I did take few months off as I was getting stomach cramps, but again started and as always it feels great. I try not see food before eating my first meal.

PS. When I first started with IF I lost 18kg in 3 months with just 16:8 IF and 15 min HIIT workout


Just like you I love the sweet stuff. Pastries especially with cream in the middle are my fav and Juice, I love drinking juice. Plus I love food especially eating out and takeaways but alas just like you , I realised I couldn’t continue for health reasons. Last year I cut out 90% of the sugars ( defo no ice cream and occasional juice), cut back on 80% carbs ( no potato or white bread, ate rice occasionally), ate more greens and went to the gym. Lost about 2 kg a month and more in some months. You don’t need an app my dude, just picture yourself wearing nice clothes and feeling comfortable enough at the beach to take some layers off. Honesty, you loose more than 70% fat just from dieting. Never did IF or OMAD ( too much for me ). It’s hard - won’t lie. First couple of weeks are hard and was always hungry but the stomach starts to shrink after a while and then it’s more tolerable and becomes a lifestyle change. Stick to the process and you’ll see the weight loss results between 4 to 6 weeks. You can do this, you got this, just believe in yourself and be patient. And Fridays are my cheat days. Man, I love Fridays lol 😂


I practice IF frequently then take breaks when real life schedule gets hectic. I do think there is a miss conception with the idea of IF. For the most part it works as a maintenance diet. It’s not really meant for weight loss, which is the beauty of it. Any diet that is explicitly for weight loss is not sustainable since you can’t just keep losing weight forever.

The idea is that you still get the same amount of calories that you would have with 3 meals. So if you are at 2K Cal’s a day you get 2K even after the fast. If you are trying to lose weight then you do the same cal reduction you would with any diet. Figure out your daily Cal’s and subtract by 200-400 etc. The beauty of the IF is that you get all the Cal’s you need, eliminating hunger, but you give your body a chance to detox, and if you exercise while empty you will use more of your reserves .

So it’s not skipping a meal but just increasing the length of your nightly fast. If any of this makes sense


I’ve done IF periodically. I’ve decided to loose weight and started training my body for it. I would add 15 minutes per day to my goal fast time.

I took vitamins every evening.

I woke up Monday and was ready to do 18 hours. I’ve lost 4 pounds so far this week.


Toouch analysis paralysis. You don’t need an app to fast. Just start.

The easiest fast to “track” is OMAD. I’ve been doing it for 15 years and I don’t feel tired or hungry throughout the day - I am active on my feet.


since youre asking for opinions i dont think you need an app at all. much of what you listed is a bit complex and if you are just starting any new habit, adding a bunch of complexity makes habit-forming a lot less likely. keep it as simple as possible.
i can tell you that typically a 72 hr fast for me once in a while removes sweet tooth cravings entirely, until i just kind of ‘decide’ to have something sugary again. it’s a little harder, but it’s a rip the band-aid approach, and if you’re trying to solve for that craving, it’s the best solution i’ve personally encountered.

i know there’s a lot of information out there, and in some ways that’s great. in others it can lead to over-analysis and confusion and worrying about this optimization based on what app you use, rather than what actually matters: taking SOME form of action NOW and finding out through direct experience what works for you.
you will not die from a short fast (barring complications for diabetics, or hypogylcemics etc etc, i am obv not a doctor). so, recommendation?
just start.


I’ve only been doing it a few weeks but I really like it!

I also eat roughly 11-7 sometimes 11-8 I don’t really get to strict about the time as long as it’s not past 8.

I also find it way easier to stay within my calories and even find coming in a little under happening which is very new for me.

I find I’ve always been hungry from about 930am 11am anyway almost no matter the breakfast unless it’s a large “brunch meal”, so this works for me. I’m hungry anyway lol.

This in conjunction with eating while 30 and exercising 3-4 days a week has me down 7.5 lbs. in 2 weeks. I’m planning to continue.


Similar to you, I have a sweet tooth. At the end of 2020 I decided no more biscuits. I went over a year without them (obviously I did have other sweet things but I greatly reduced my intake of things like dessert and biscuits were my major issue). Now, this helped me lose weight in the beginning but it was intermittent fasting (which I started late-March 2021) that carried me through, and I still do now. I lost about 35 pounds last year, down from 155 pounds to 120 and have maintained that way since July.

I never used an app though. I read Dr. Fung’s book on fasting and just count the hours.


IF is the only thing that helped me successfully lose weight and keep it off for years. It’s definitely helped me recognize what hunger/fullness actually feel like. Additionally it’s helped me recognize how much of my eating was emotional/impulsive, which has been crucial in maintaining and building better habits. I should also mention that I drastically cut back on drinking, which helped a TON.


You know that your gut health or your kidney’s , stomach’s condition shows on your face, on your skin. IF has really helped me in cleaning up my insides and that shows on my face, I had acne for 6 years before I started FASTING and i didn’t even remember having a clear skin .

So IF is good.


IF is the best, you’re gonna love it! I’ve never had this much success before with weight loss and general well-being, and can see myself sticking to it in the long run.

Personally I think a low carb diet and fasting go hand in hand. It kicks those sugar cravings in the teeth and helps me feel fuller for longer.

Good luck! 🙂


I can’t do IF. It just doesn’t work for me. I always cheat or have very strong cravings. I don’t care if those cravings are psychological or biological. Water fasting on the other hand, is like falling off a log for me. I can do 5 days easily and with the right electrolytes I can go 10 days feeling energized and sleeping very well the entire time.


I like sweets too, for me as I fast, I get super picky with what I eat during my window. So instead of daily cheap sweets I have nicer higher quality sweets less frequent. I look up local bakery’s or get something from the “NICE” grocery stores with bakery counters.
I make it special instead of just a bored or impulse action.

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