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What is Your LEAST Favorite Vegetable?

Today I found out literally no one I know also loves Brussels sprouts. I’m shook. What’s your least favorite vegetable?

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Rhubarb and okra

I cant believe Im seeing so many people say artichoke. It’s my favorite. I’m betting they havent tried an in-season, fresh one cooked properly. That canned shit you get on pizza or in that hideous dip is awful.


Of all the vegetables I’ve tasted, I suppose kale is my least favorite. I’m pretty neutral on vegetables, though. With seasoning, I’ve been able to stomach pretty much all of the ones I’ve tried.

For what it’s worth, Brussels Sprouts are among my favorite!


I don’t know if it counts as a vegetable, but raw jackfruit. It’s cooked as a vegetable where i am from, and i am not very sure if i like the taste or the texture. I like the seeds though.

On that note, i also am repulsed by ripe jackfruit. It literally smells like shit and attracts fat flies from the neighborhood. It’s disgusting.


I have yet to encounter a vegetable I haven’t liked. And I’ve lived in three countries (US, Germany, Korea) and traveled to over 40.

I like some vegetables more than other (asparagus over broccoli for example) and some cooking methods over others (roasted over steamed… especially for Brussel sprouts)

I guess Brussel sprouts are my least favorite but roasted they are actually pretty good.


Asparagus… And I don’t really know why. It’s considered a “premium” veggie and almost everyone loves it, but I just don’t care for it for some reason.

It’s even odder because I love veggies. Just about all of them.


I love brussel sprouts so much. Funny today I went shopping for fresh veggies for the first time in a couple weeks - - fresh robust brussel sprouts was one thing I really wanted in my list. Sadly the only ones I found were tiny, withered half brown rotted ones. It’s not all lost, as I do have some I bought frozen but never the same. I love ma veggies fresh.

To answer your question, string beens would probably be my least fave. That is the only vegetable I am not too fond of. I do like them cold French salad style but that’s about it. Never met a veg I didn’t like.

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