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What makes a carb satiating

I am generally curious about this because people always tell me it’s fiber and GI. But for me white potato is much more satiating compared to oats or even beans. So what exactly makes a carb satiating?

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Some evidence indicates that part of the reason why potatoes are so filling is that they contain a protein called proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2), which may suppress appetite ( 15 , 16 ). Boiled potatoes are very filling and scored the highest of all the foods on the satiety index.


I have very similar experiences some foods that are supposed to make me feel full, actually leave me ravenously hungry and other foods leave me feeling very full. For example, sometimes I have a chocolate bar and lose my appetite for hours but if I eat oats or brown rice or avocado I am so hungry I have to eat more food.


Carbs push the blood glucose and insulin high and that knocks the ghrelin level down.

For a few hours. After that it spikes and you get hungry again, hungrier than you were before you ate.

Fat and protein reduce ghrelin less but the reduction lasts much longer.

Edit: Here’s a reference for those interested. Figure 3 shows the big ghrelin drop that hits initially, and then the overcompensation later. Figure 2 shows that this tracks pretty fairly well with blood glucose.


Carbohydrates are filling in a calorie to satiation way.

It’s complicated, in the sense of not being just one specific reason.

Starch itself is filling, and absorbs water, bulking itself out.

Carb heavy foods like fruit and vegetables tend to have high water contents, which is also filling.

They also tend to be high fibre, which is also filling as it absorbs water or bulks out stomach contents.

Resistant starch also functions in a similar way, contributing to stomach fullness without increasing calories taken in.

I’m not also sure about this exactly, but from memory having to put more effort into physically eating something (chewing, etc) causes hormone signalling to signify fullness.

Protein is the most filling macro, and fat the least (you could eat 400 calories of fat without even noticing you are, where as eating like 2 large baked potatoes (the caloric equivalent) would be a major undertaking.


It’s the fiber content that keeps you satiated. Fiber takes time to be broken down and until it’s broken down completely you don’t feel hungry.

200gms of rice and 200gms of sweet potato will have different satiety levels


Your body is pretty smart and will respond to actual energy consumed over time. People with healthy metabolisms will crave and eat an appropriate amount of carbohydrates. Also, a potato is a fairly large quantity of material.


Personal response.

Flat out.

Ignore this blabber about “fibre” or whatever scale. GI may play a role but that’s more relevant to how long it’ll satisfy than speed.

Many like to claim that potatoes are high satiety foods… tell my girlfriend or my grandfather that. Meanwhile they struggle with normal portions of rice. Meanwhile I can butt chug brown rice to an extent that put the fear in our Indian friends.

What matters more is the amount of fat (and type) and protein you consume with those carbs. These ultimately are far superior for satiety in the long run.

If you want your carbs to be satisfied and satiated from a meal just reduce the about of the starchy carbohydrates and put in carrot, legumes, brocoli, etc. Replace oils with nuts or more dense fats in meals for fat. Ensure protein is higher too, so more chicken, beef, eggs, etc.

Gauge your own response overall.


If we single out each class of food, fat, protein and carbohydrate, no papers I read stated that Carbohydrate along promotes satiation. BUT reverse is true and many.


This is why when people eats Carbohydrate ONLY, their stomach is full but the feeling is empty.


Carbs aren’t satiating, excepting fiber. Potatoes have resistive starches, which are considered fiber.

You might have better luck with steel cut oats over quick or instant. If your carb food has a lower GI, it’ll probably be more satiating.

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