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What milk do you choose and why do you think or believe/know it's the healthiest choice?

Almond?, Dairy, soy, rice oat etc? What’s your milk choice and why?

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I drink oat milk, not because it’s necessarily the healthiest, but because dairy milk gives me acne. I cut out dairy milk 4 years ago and my acne went away and never came back. I only really use oat milk to make lattes- it’s by far the best consistency of all alternative milks for steaming.


I see nobody mentioned cashew milk . . . and neither will I. I like oat milk, but the quality varies a lot with different brands. Quaker is the worst. It’s not a health choice, just don’t like moo juice.


I drink almond, oat, and coconut mainly. I use them because dairy causes too much mucous, skin and GI issues. For each of these I use them for various things. Some taste better in certain cereals. Some creamier for oatmeal and hot cocoa. It’s mostly revolved around taste, texture, but number one avoiding health issues.


Can’t have dairy because of an allergy.

I only drink “milk” as an adder to my coffee, so I go for flavor and creaminess more than anything. I usually have full-fat coconut milk (like the cans in the Asian aisle of the grocery store) or Oatmilk.


I drink almond and oat milk. Some companies mistreat cows and are especially over feed them for the greed of humans. I think it’s unethical. I also just get bloated and some mild diarrhea from dairy in general.


Hemp milk is also delicious and has a lot of nutritional value. Bit pricey. Definitely not dairy though. I’d gladly spend the extra few dollars for milk if i have it. No species on this planet has milk after the baby stage! Humans aren’t special!


I go for Oat milk, not necessarily for the nutritional value, but because from what I’ve seen so far of all the alternative milks out there, it seems to have the lowest impact on the environment and I’ve been trying to cut beef/dairy products out of my diet as much as possible. I do get this weird feeling from time to time as I eat my oat cereal with oat milk, that I’m really just eating watered-down oats.


Unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It’s 35 calories per serving. I can literally hook it up to an IV and not have to worry about drinking calories. It is also excellent tasting in my post workout protein shake. It makes amazing cereal and oatmeal. Just gotta watch it when making oatmeal. Once it starts to boil, you better be ready to turn down the heat cuz it boils over very rapidly. Also makes great overnight oats.


Can someone explain why all the posts suggesting whole, skim, 1% milk etc are being downvoted to oblivion? There’s nothing wrong with dairy if you dont have an intolerance. Its full of nutrients and is literally squeezed out of a cow as opposed to being made of ultraprocessed plants.


My choice is oatmilk and I believe it’s the best option for me because:

  1. its fats are vegetable fats (like rapeseed oil), which are better for the heart than animal fats
  2. it has also fiber (which most adults don’t eat enough in western countries)
  3. there are usually added calcium, b12 and d vitamin (normal milk would have these naturally)

However, the main reason is that I’ve never liked the taste of cow milk, even as a kid, and I just don’t see a reason to drink milk from a cow.

I’m aware that oatmilk lacks the protein that cow milk has, but at least in my country, people already eat too much protein. The extra protein can’t be absorbed and comes through their bodies in urine, and ends up in our seas and creates problems there. For that reason, it’s not a problem in my opinion, to not get the extra protein from milk.

(edit: clearer punctuation)


Real milk from ruminant animals is the type of milk that has passed the test of time. Its clearly the most nutritious, has the best fatty acids composition, is the least processed, and has the least chemical additives. From a nutrition standpoint there is really no comparison to real milk


If you can drink cows milk (ie dairy containing), regular whole milk is honestly the best. Yes it might be higher in calories, but regular milk (not 2% or fat free) is perfectly balance in macronutrients and has great micronutrients as well. Think about, there is a reason that in nature with mammals milk is so import.

I personally cannot have dairy, and I have been on almond milk for the past 6-7 years. I just prefer the taste over the other options. Sometimes ill have soy but when grocery shopping it is always almond milk unsweetened.


Milk is not needed by adult mammals, thus I see it more as a nutritional tool if anything.

That said, I choose natural almond or oat milk with (< 3 ingredients) or make my own at home (for coffee, recipes, etc).

Conventional/supermarket dairy milk isn’t great tbh. Opt for organic


In terms of plant based milks, I think the two most interesting are Silk unsweetened soy milk and Ripple Unsweetened Original pea milk. They have protein and vitamin b12 - nutrients of concern for vegans and vegetarians.

But I also have to give a shoutout to Silk unsweetened cashew milk, which is well regarded due to its low calorie count - only 25 calories in a serving.

In terms of dairy, it looked to me like fairlife 1% filtered milk had better macros than typical 1% milk. And 1% milk looks like a decent compromise in terms of lowering the saturated fat and calories, but keeping the creaminess somewhat.


Full fat whole milk from cows. Lower fat milks just “replace” fat with sugar. When you remove fat from milk, you decrease it’s volume. You still have to fill that container, so you fill it with the low fat milk that’s left when you remove the fat. When you do that, you concentrate the natural sugars in the milk, so you end up with a much higher % of sugar.


Dairy because it’s a natural source of calcium (I don’t feel comfortable getting my calcium from fortified food because of studies like these https://www.bmj.com/content/341/bmj.c3691.abstract https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-attack/expert-answers/calcium-supplements/faq-20058352) and it also contains iodine. I also choose skim milk to cut out as much saturated fat as I can from my diet.


The plant based/alternative milks mess me up. I don’t know if it’s something they all go through to be processed that gets me, as I don’t have any issues with nuts/oats/grains or anything. But man, those milk alternatives treat me like dairy milk does to lactose intolerant people. So, dairy for this guy.


“What milk do you choose” - Milk.

“and why do you think or believe/know it’s the healthiest choice?” - Because It’s milk.

Sorry, but what is your ptoblem with milk? I don’t understand. Do you have some lactose intolerance, allergies?


I’ve read that a small majority of people in the world are some level of lactose intolerant. I had a full on allergy to dairy up until i was 5ish, but now I’m just sensitive to lactose, as it makes my mucus really thick and gross and sometimes gives me an upset stomach.


I use oat milk because it is the tastiest and has the lowest environmental footprint. I don’t drink glasses of milk though. I primarily use it in hot beverages, smoothies, and cooking. Sometimes I use flax milk as well. Like another commenter, cutting dairy out of my diet cleared up my acne. It also significantly reduced nasal/throat congestion.


I avoid dairy milk like the plague because it makes my entire body suffer. Acne, weight gain, diarrhea, the whole shebang. I lean toward almond milk for calorie smart stuff but for lattes I opt for oat milk because the consistency is chef’s kiss


Raw, Whole, A2A2 100% Grass fed, chemical free cow milk. Seems to be the best I can get in my area. Doesn’t have all the junk of the plant milks. Much higher in important fat soluble vitamins like Retinol compared to non pastured milks. Chemical free means less problems with agricultural chemicals. And A2A2 means not having to deal with the A1 protein that is implicated in so many health problems.


I used to be a big almond milk fan until I learned something. Almond milk is unethical and bad for the environment. It takes a gallon of water to grow one almond. Not only is this completely unsustainable, but it is also unethical because this water is being stolen from the citizens of California to be given to the almonds in California because it is such a large part of their economy. Almonds and almond milk is causing the “droughts” the residents of California are experiencing.


Unpopular opinion but organic homogenized milk, the 3.8% kind. That or goat milk. We’re eastern European and grew up on a farm where we’d literally milk a goat then make hot chocolate (same with cow milk when we’d visit our relatives who could afford a cow as opposed to a goat LOOL) I only drink a little bit of milk in my coffee a day. My digestion reacts the best when I stick to it. I guess just because of genetics. F, 27 105 lbs, 5 foot 3, no issues with acne. Nutrition wise I just stick to what seems the least processed.


I drink oat because it acts similar to dairy for cooking and because it is more sustainable. I don’t know if it is actually more healthful of a choice for me but my skin is clearer and my digestion is better. But honestly that could be a coincidence.


I do a combination of soy, hemp, almond, hazlenut and oat milks. My goal is to have as varied of a plant-based diet as possible, so this combo works out great for me nutrition-wise. I remember way back when the only two options were soy or rice “milk,” which tasted pretty much like water. Today’s options are just dazzling and I want to drink it all up.


Skim milk + Stevia sweetener.

90kcal / 9g protein. Pretty decent. 3-4 servings daily.

Goes with my morning coffee & is basically my breakfast. I don’t like eating even a mild meal as I’m waking/warming up in the morning so its liquid nature is convenient.


Whole milk (if it doesn’t cause you any digestive/skin problems). It’s got a very good amount of complete protein and healthy fat without being fattening (studies show milk is not correlated with weight gain and obesity). It’s also very nutritious and has an almost perfect balance of protein/carbs/fat (especially if you’re trying to gain muscle). Whole milk is also very filling so it can help curb unhealthy food cravings.


All plant-based « milks » are unhealthy. Always full of anti nutrients, grains are loaded with pesticides, grains are not properly prepared before the main process (no soaking to remove phytic acid and other anti nutrients)And often full of additives like emulsifiers, sugar, vegetables oil. But it does taste good tho.

Goat milk is the healthiest. Easier to digest, better nutritional profile than cow milk, and better taste imo.

Raw milk is also better than pasteurized because the enzyme needed to break down lactose is destroyed by the heating from pasteurization process. Lack of that enzyme gets confused with lactose intolerance a lot.Also most basic commercial supermarket-grade milk is usually poor quality so that’s another thing to take into account.

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