| | Water Fasting

What regimen did you start with? I'm debating on 16:9.

I’m trying to lose weight. I’m a 6 foot tall male, 260 or pounds. I lost weight down to 236 from 300 a while back, and gained back and hover around 250-300. I lost weight doing CICO. I’m trying to get into fasting as it worked well for a friend. My goal is to learn to control my eating and lose weight in a healthy manner, and learn to manage it better for my health.

I’ve struggled with hunger pangs in the past when I went long without food, but I was reading drinking a diet soda, or black coffee, or water, or something without calories but some sodium or something will help that.

Any tips for beginners you don’t always see listed here, while I’m reading through the wiki?

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All i can say is that in my experience, it gets easier. I successfully lost 20 lbs 2 yearsnago in a shortish span following if and cico

I gained all and more bsck when i stopped caring

But im on day 5 or 6 i thinkThenfirst few days was just tracking eating windows as it was newyears and i wasnt about to start a diet on new years eve, but entering the info was a step on its own. Then i did a 13 hour fast to kind of get into the groove, next day was 17 hours - but my eating window became like 2pm which is awful for me so i extended todays into a 25 hour fast to eat at 5-6ish. I did omad since i wanted a large dinner haha. I am absolutely open to 16:8 on days i might go to the city with friends but i kind of like omad ngl haha.Today i was hungry around 14 hours in - then it subsided, and by 24 hours i was just peckish so i started cooking.

Also lots of water. Lots. It will curb hunger but also hydrate you


I don’t see how 16:9 can work, there’s only 24 hours in a day.

I’m on 16:8. I eat dinner at latest 7pm and then don’t eat until 11am. Which works okayish.I have to prepare most of my food beforehand, so I can just grab it at home and don’t have to cook and prepare, because that would mess it up for me.

But it’s manageable, because most of my fasting time I am asleep :D


I started with 5:2, because a friend introduced me to it. It’s where you eat normal five days a week and seriously restrict your calories on two days. I think my late days were Tuesdays and Thursdays and I ain’t normal the rest of the time one thing I liked about it is that it helped me be less afraid of being hungry… As if that’s some horrible thing!I ended up not continuing it because overtime, I realized I was getting a bit obsessive thinking about what I was going to eat after a light day… That just didn’t work for me so I switched to 16:8 And quickly added keto to that. Now I do 16:8 with a lower carb lifestyle. For what it’s worth, my cure all for cravings and hunger pangs was a salt Crystal under my tongue.

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Categories: lose weight to fast struggle soda coffee calories sodium tips eating window omad dinner sleep keto