Hi Guys, i’m new to water fasting, i have a question. How should i refeed?
I’ve heard that the first day after my fast, i should eat strictly Protein so would Grilled Chicken and Broccoli be okay?
for the second day would i be okay to treating myself to some food from outside? (Fast food)
I just want to make sure everything is okay and that i’m not putting my body at risk.
I would love some advice, thank you!
Depends on the length and your experience level. I’m at the point where 36-48 I can just go back to almost normal eating with little side effects. If I’m at or near 60 I break with a broth then a small low fodmap meal then the next day I’m back to normal. If I go 72-96 I’ll do the broth and small meal then the next day or two low fodmap and half my calories. This is from Dorian Wilson’s guide.