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What time frame do you choose to eat from?

I’m getting back into fasting after 4 month PP. Before getting pregnant I would eat from 12pm to 6pm doing a 18:6. This just doesn’t work for me now because I am also breastfeeding and I’ve seen a drop in my milk supply when I do that. Im just wondering what’s everyone’s preference is when choosing what time they break their fast.

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I was hoping to give it a try PP. My doctor said I was fine to do that once I hit 2 months PP. She said that the smallest eating window she could recommend was 8 hours (so a 16:8) and a minimum of 1500 calories high in protein, carbs, and healthy fats. She actually didn’t recommend it, but said if I’m going to do it anyways, that’s her rec. I decided to just eat healthy and do lots of walking and lost about 45 pounds in 4 months. I’m 11 months PP and about 15 pounds from my goal weight (I gained 65 total during my pregnancy). I’m doing 16:8 and eating 1100 calories a day. I’m losing about 2 pounds a week. I eat between 11-7. Can’t stand going to bed hungry, so this works best for me.


I started fasting again at 5 months PP and it has been going super well! I also breastfeed, so I was really concerned IF would tank my supply but so far I have not noticed a difference except when on my period.

I fast from 8 PM until 2PM, at first I was trying to do 8-12 but after a few weeks I have not been wanting to eat until around 2. I also have been doing low carb, I do not track any of my calories or carbs so I do not consider what I do Keto. I think the most important part of doing IF while breastfeeding is to make sure you drink a lot of water, and eat enough calories a day. So far I have lost just shy of 20 pounds and I have been doing IF since Dec 3rd, 2021.

Good luck!!!


I don’t have sources, but from my keto FB group, they recommend not fasting if you don’t want a supply drop. The body needs all the calories (and about 50 net carbs, if you’re keto) and electrolytes to help maintain supply.


I eat from 10am to 6pm. This gives me a chance to have a snack with my coffee at work at 10, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes I have meetings and can’t eat until lunch though, but do tend to always close my eating window around 6 or 7 pm regardless of what time I break my fast (I need to not eat 2-3 hrs before bedtime because I take my thyroid medication at night).

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