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What tips or hacks for a beginner to get through a 48 hour fast ?

I’ve had fasts before but they never exceeded the 72 hour period. I found a lot of times I feel absolutely alive and different when i fast. I’m doing it for the self control however and the health benefits, not for fat/weight loss of any sort.

how to curb my hunger and food thoughts ?

What are things I actually SHOULD take while on a fast ( supplements etc) i want to do this the right way and not give up.

Is my low bp going to be a problem? For a maximum benefit what/how do i eat after my fast is over?

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Once you get off the insulin roller coaster, physically speaking you don’t get hungry anymore; all those cravings are based on your habits. The way you get rid of them is by either modifying or getting rid of habits.

One of my biggest issues; I found out that I was snacking a lot out of boredom, so on my first fast that was the most annoying thing. I got rid of that habit; I no longer snack at work fast or no fast. That made my fasting a whole lot easier. Other cravings you can replace; if you get an urge focus on your goals and how happy that makes you; little by little that becomes the reward you crave instead of food.


a thing I always tell myself is that the food is still going to be there after I’m done fasting/losing weight

If I’m craving fast food it’s not like it’s going to shut down by the time I’m done fasting, or if I’m craving a homemade meal I can always run to the grocery store & make it when I lost my weight!

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Categories: tips 48 hour fast weight loss a fast habits snack habit reward tea losing weight