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What’s considered the type 1 carcinogen processed meat?

Do skinless, boneless, frozen chicken breast from Tysons, say, come under the type one carcinogen label by the WHO?

Edit: Here’s an example of what I’m talking about: https://www.tyson.com/products/frozen-chicken-breast-tenderloins/

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>Do skinless, boneless, frozen chicken breast from Tysons, say, come under the type one carcinogen label by the WHO?

No, as skinless, boneless frozen chicken breast isn’t ‘processed’ in the way the WHO means. Processed meats include ham, bacon, salami, and sausages.

Specifically, you should be on the lookout for the red pigment haem, fresheners nitrates and nitrites, and high-temperature-cooking resulting chemicals heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amines.


There’s nothing carcinogenic about boneless skinless chicken breast. Most unprocessed meats can become carcinogenic depending on how you cook them. If you take that same piece of chicken and coat it in oil and char the outside until it’s black, now you have a piece of meat that’s probably carcinogenic.

Heavily processed meat products like Slim Jims, miniature sausages that come in a can, etc. Those are also most likely carcinogenic because of how they are processed and stored.


Its all carcinogenic whether the WHO defines it as such doesn’t really matter. Its just very processed meat vs processed meat especially in the US. Cows, turkeys, chicken, and pigs are fed all kinds of shit that then gets passed on to the consumer such as antibiotics, antacids, caffeine, growth hormones, roundup(glyphosate), various pesticides, etc.. It is then eaten by us and thanks to bio-accumulation we have high levels of it in our bodies. Just go outside and look around everyone is fat af.

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