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What’s the best way to fast when you work 14:00-22:00?

Most intermittent fasting is done in the middle of the day, but I won’t be able to do that. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about doing the opposite, eating very early and then eating very late, or anything else that would work given my schedule. Thanks!

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I would go with OMAD before work. Or even after, but I don’t feel good eating at night.

You could also use a 18:6 fast or anything that feels more confortable for you and remember that you can make some changes in your fast so it fits you better.


Early time restricted eating patterns actually show better results in most studies. Most people just can’t do it do to social activities (dinner being the most common family meal, drinks with friends ect..)


Was doing exact same shift decade+ ago. On workout days it was very simple: around 11am gym for strength training, post workout 20 grams of bcaa and then I was eating my only meal (huge) around 7pm (depends how busy it was and how much time I could generate whilst still working). I dunno about the difference in “feeding window” and if it’s impactful enough to be able to sweat it. I personally wouldn’t be able to eat and then go to bed 12-13 hrs later. What matters is consistency and no breaking from new healthier habits. If you go with OMAD then I would have it after work around 11pm? Get home, eat, shower and hit the bed. would that work?

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Categories: best way to fast intermittent fasting omad studies dinner habits