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What’s the deal with Gluten/Wheat?

I’ve been searching for anti-inflammatory diets (for health reasons), and among all the common sense limitations I’ve seen (avoid sugar, alcohol), I almost always see gluten as a food to avoid. What is it about gluten that causes inflammation?

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If you look at the REAL anti-inflammatory diet (Mediterranean diet being one of the best studied), gluten is actually fine.

This has been a long battle for many years now. The reality is, gluten containing products (mostly wheat actually) are one of our highest sources of ultraprocessed foods, like pastries, cakes, breads, cookies, etc. Also a big source of simple carbs. Carbs are fine btw, it’s amount and context. But the low carb group has been fighting that forever. And when you force people to restrict this entire group, it typically leads to short term weight loss, which is anti-inflammatory if you have overweight.

The problem of course, is restriction leads to binging in many instances, and is often not necessary. In fact, some new research shows that in the absence of celiac disease (where gluten restriction is necessary and if not leads to pretty severe concerns), those who eat more gluten tend to have better heart health, the most important sign of anti inflammation. Likely because more gluten means more fibre, more prebiotics.

So please, if you don’t have celiac disease, have gluten. Just try to have the majority come from whole grain sources including whole wheat, spelt, rye, barley. And focus more on intact grains rather than flour grains. But flour is still okay.


I went through some major health issues and did a full gut reset/eating lifestyle. For me gluten, soy, dairy (yogurt, ice cream, heavy cream, and any milk) products are nothing my body likes. If I have anything with any of these specifically gluten or soy I will wake up in the middle of the night sick and a few days of inflammation in my body that will cause headaches, body flare ups, to name a few things. I don’t care what research says, per my own self experiment I know gluten is a no no for me…and no I am not allergic to gluten or any of the other items I listed. Every person is different so I just go off my body.


This sub makes you deal with your own personal bias. I like it. Great question.

I follow a paleo (but non-meat or dairy) diet which excludes gluten as far as I’m aware. Now I never get that bloated look or feeling. Could be the gluten, but it also could be the wheat or sugar or a million other things I suppose.

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