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What’s the point of 48 hour fast?

Obviously a newbie here, but I don’t get why you’d do such a long fast. i’m sure there’s some weight loss but I gather it would be mostly water. Plus aren’t you messing with your metabolism?

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Well remember that not everyone is fasting for strictly weight loss - they might have specific health or religious reasons to fast for 48 hours, but no a 48 hour fast isn’t going to mess with the metabolism. Much of what we think of ‘ruining metabolism’ is pretty overinflated and misunderstood.

A lot of it has more to do with losing muscle mass, which will result in a lower resting metabolism. However, gaining, maintaining, and losing muscle is about consistency of behavior over a long period - much like weight loss. So an occasional longer fast will not be hugely negative, but if someone was to do 48s over and over then it could.


After 36 hours of fasting autophagy kicks into action. This is a system that cleans of extra garbage protein in the body maybe even eating things like extra skin from weight loss, cancer cells and other damaged cells etc.


Have you watched any of Coles videos? It’s to help break food addiction, to help you realize that you don’t have to stuff your face every day much less 3+ times a day. Look back at his videos, he explains it all. Dr. Jason Fung is another good resource. Fasting heals. Ketosis, autophagy, etc.

I’m in the second week of Coles 37 snake diet protocol. I don’t know how much weight you have to lose but this works. Better to lose weight fast than slow and no, it won’t mess up your metabolism. When you break fast eat your maintenance and not over. Try to stick to keto meals (high fat, mod protein, low carb).

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Categories: 48 hour fast weight loss to fast muscle jason fung ketosis protocol lose weight keto low carb