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What's the secret of prolonged fasts days greater than 10 days ?

Guys, how do you do these prolonged fasts 5,10,15,20,30 days ? I mean how ?

How you overcome weakness, dizziness and extreme headache ?

What’s the secret ?

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I start electrolytes immediately and follow a water and electrolyte schedule- I found that if I didn’t, I got off track, forgot, then skipped and ended up with a headache, etc. Of course, I will adjust/add as needed depending on activity level and by feel.

If I’m not water fasting, I also include hot tea, hot black coffee with (unflavored) collagen powder, and psyllium husk in my daily regimen. It keeps me sane and makes me feel “full”.

I keep a list (a literal written list) of things to do when I’m struggling. I go through the list items one by one and do them, time permitting. Staying busy and occupying my mind with things that are not “I want to eat this right now, put it in my mouth” is what keeps it from going into my mouth.

I have a second list (a physical list) of ‘my reasons why’. That one even has pictures and when I feel my resolve wavering, I pull that one out and review.

When all else fails, I drink an extra glass of water with a smidge of lite salt and tell myself to give it 10 minutes. If I can’t resist in 10 minutes, then I can have whatever it was that I wanted. But the urge always passes.


21-day fast was easy to complete when my life was in shambles. Plus, I’d just look at egg prices Jan into Feb, and I was good!

For real, though, you have to work up to it, and it takes mental toughness that some people will never comprehend, let alone deploy in their lifetime. Pink Himalayan salt in my water, zero calorie electrolyte tablets, and other various supplements. Once you get to that euphoria level, you just run with it.


you need sodium. i have never had those symptoms, except weakness, which i solved with electrolytes and mental stimulation. energy is demand driven, you only have it when you use it.

that, and enough body fat, desire for goal, and sometimes mental grit.


I wore a continuous blood glucose monitor for 10 days. Dizzy or sluggish came with low bs but when I started moving (walking, muscle contracting if stuck at my desk), by BG went up from the activity and the I’ll effects went away.


Not advice, but anecdotal experience:

I drank a lot of diet drinks the first 4-5 days. I also cheat a little bit and have some miso soup (with seaweed and tofu strained out) that has maybe 20 calories in it once a day. Both of those I add electrolytes ti. I’m on day 9 right now, feeling pretty good.

I have the benefit of working from home and am able to lay down and stare at the ceiling when I’m feeling cravings or get a little low energy. Worst days were the first 4.


I’ve gotten so close at 9 days. Ironically, I could’ve gone longer but I had my birthday the next day and I wanted cake.

It truly felt like a sense of euphoria after day 3 for me. It seems like getting past day 3 or 4 is the sweet spot for people. I just supplemented with some electrolyte drops and stuck to water


Electrolytes, sleep when tired and Will Power.

Electrolytes take away the physical causes and Will Power will see you through.

Don’t be afraid to remove yourself or avoid temptation. Don’t watch food porn, at all.

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Categories: weak electrolytes water fasting tea coffee struggling sodium energy body fat blood glucose sluggish muscle calories sleep