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whats the ultimate best breakfast?

I was reading an article about breakfasts food and I realized there are a lot of suggestions and I was wondering which one was the best one, since you cant eat them all.

I was also wondering, is it better to switch what you eat? Im thinking that X breakfast is the best, but maybe the “ultimate best breakfast” is eating a different one every other day?

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I do think that variety is the spice of life, and therefore there is no specific ultimate breakfast. However I’m obsessed with oatmeal and I eat it every day. What you want to go for in a meal is the hunger crushing combo; fiber rich carbs, protein, and healthy fat. This will keep you satisfied for a long time.


The one that is decently healthy, that you enjoy, and will provide you with long-lasting energy throughout the morning and beyond. If you enjoy a breakfast, but find you are hungry shortly after (like 1-1.5 hrs later), then you might want to rethink your breakfast. Of course, if you find breakfast difficult for a variety of reasons, you can always do Intermittent Fasting and just skip breakfast and have a larger lunch or dinner. But that’s only assuming it works for you, some have no energy without a breakfast, others find breakfast slows them down. Do what works for you, not what you see on some article being pushed by one person or another, assuming its working for you (ie, providing long-lasting energy and healthy).



Depends on personal preference. I try to have something I like such as oatmeal or cereal and pair it with fiber(if it’s my oatmeal, my cereal is loaded with fiber) or protein (basically just eggs if i don’t feel like having eggs on toast that day for dinner or lunch)


I make my own muesli and have a half cup of it each morning with chia seeds, wheat germ, a half cup of blueberries, one banana sliced into the bowl, and covered with three tablespoons of yogurt. I eat that 6 out of 7 days a week and never get tired of it. I also have a piece of whole wheat toast with it. That is very satisfying.


This may not be to your liking, but if you like a spicy breakfast, one of my favorite things to do is to scramble or fry a couple of eggs and put them in a bowl over brown rice (whatever is leftover in the rice cooker from last night’s dinner), add just a dash of soy sauce, and then put a hefty helping of kimchi on top. Mix it up and yum! Keeps me going all day. Also will sometimes throw an egg or two into a tortilla with a slice of cheese, onion/peppers/tomato/avocado, and some salsa on top.


Mine is 10 grain-hot cereal, peanut butter and blueberries. I make 2 cups of cereal at a time which for me right now is 12 servings. I use frozen blueberries now and occasionally frozen cherries. Fresh is obviously good, but I have to do a lot of meal prep for myself and this saves me time and money.


A smoothie with oats, various seeds (chia,hemp,flax, etc), nut butter, greens, fruit and a plant based milk as a base for calcium/B12/VitaminD. Doesn’t get better than that for a breakfast health/nutrition wise.


A poached egg on one slice of (pita) bread with leaf lettuce, tomato, and cilantro. Sprinkle a little pepper on it. And of course a big handful of berries on the side.

One pan and five minutes to cook, five minutes to eat. Less than five dollars. Delicious and healthy.

The ultimate breakfast would be this sandwich four-five times/week and only a big virgin bloody mary with a pickle and celery stalk the other days.


As others have mentioned, there is no magic food or superfood - the healthiest breakfast is a balanced, nutritious one that will keep you full for a while.

Three key factors = protein, fibre, and healthy fats.

Protein: Eggs/egg whites, low-fat cheese, chicken or turkey, lean ham

Fibre: Fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, fortified bread

Healthy fats: Eggs, avocado, low-fat cheese, nuts


I like a nice soft pastry and fruit with coffee and orange juice… if I get my sweet cravings satisfied early, I don’t eat dessert later. I hate eggs with a passion. Avocado toast is a winner, loved it since my grandma made it for me as a kid (I’m almost 40) or yogurt parfait with granola and fresh sliced fruits.


My breakfast I start with butter in a saute pan

I saute up some cut up red bell pepper (covered the whole time), then add some frozen potato hash strips on top when the bell peppers have cooked a little. I then add a handful of spinach after I get the hash half crispy. When the spinach has softened I crack 4 eggs, salt pepper and cover til theyre nice orange yolk over easy and toss some cheese on top.

I eat this with 4 baby carrots, 10 almonds and 4oz of pure unsweetened cranberry juice for dessert


It really depends on the type of person, i suffer from heavy breakfasts or very sweet ones…
I dont breakfast usually but if i do i like cooked eggs, avocado and some whole grain bread, overall not too much… 2 slices, 2 eggs, 1 avocado f.e. (not much for my size)


Whatever keeps you full! I love steel cut oatmeal with some peanut butter or almond butter, and whatever fruit I have on hand. I drizzle it with a little maple syrup and it’s sooooo delicious. Sometimes I add nuts or mini chocolate chips.


Healthiest - overnight oats - 2/3 cup of oats, 1/3 Greek yogurt, the rest milk to desired consistency, I make it slightly runny, spoon of honey, milled linseed, flaxseed, 1 serving protein powder, handful of frozen berries, fridge it overnight and enjoy the next morning. I’ve been making it for years so I eyeball but there’s loads of recipes out there, you can do peanut butter and ground nuts, cocoa powder and blackberries, banana, etc..

Tastiest - waffles made with bananas and gluten free flour so they’re protein style (again I eyeball a big batch of mix and just cook a couple in the morning, top with honey and fruit, maybe cocoa chips too. You can also make up the waffles and freeze them then pop them in the toaster for a minute or 2.


My breakfast, for about the past five years, has been

1c Oats

Protein powder

\~2/3c fresh fruit

2 tbsp minced ginger

- Mix-

Top with 1/2c canned pumpkin

Add some whipped cream and either sugar free syrup, cinnamon, no sugar chocolate sauce, maybe pumpkin pie spice.

It’s phenomenally nutritious, absolutely delicious, highly filling and satiating (30+G protein, 10g fiber), and takes about ten minutes to make. I see no reason to change it!


Meals should have: protein, healthy fats, carbs, fiber, and fruit or veggies. If I have the time, I love scrambled eggs with veggies or fruit on the side, cheese or avocado for fats, and some carb (preferably an English muffin or sweet potatoes for me). I also agree with everyone here on oats. I find overnight oats can offer more protein since I can mix green yogurt and protein powder into it. I’ve tried protein powder mixed into hot oats and it’s just not the same. Smoothies are also another fabulous option since the variety and combinations are plentiful. Good luck 👍


This is what I have been eating every morning for years:

Superfood green juice with splash of lemon Black coffee Water MultivitaminOmega Vitamin D

1-2 eggs whole 2-3 egg whites Sliced tomatoes with salt pepper

Quick oats 1/3 cup Almond milk 1.5-2 scoops of vanilla protein powder Raspberry or blueberry 1/4 tablespoon Almond butter (skip it if cutting)1/2 tb of chocolate chips Sprinkle coconut flakes Little squirt of womens best sugar free syrup.

This will keep you full until dinner time. You’re welcome


I spent about a month trying to figure this out. Specifically, how to get the hard-to-get nutrients at a sufficient level from one meal. The other thing I found is that I wasn’t getting enough vegetables, even though I thought I was.

So every eight days I make this:

Mix four cans of brisling sardines with four cans of mackerelAdd the juice and zest of two lemonsAdd a finely chopped onionAdd a cup of pumpkin seeds

I put this on the healthiest bread (toast) I can find and top it with half an avocado.

If you run down the nutrients on this, including the Omega-3s, which I value a lot, it is as close to a perfect way to start the day as you can get. Interested in feedback…


I don’t do well with carbs in the morning, I start with an extremely small glass of carrot orange juice, then sauté about a cup of veggies- mushrooms, bell peppers, herbs, green onions or leftover veggies, mix one whole egg and one egg white, make an omelette. Then coffee with low fat milk and collagen. One egg yolk per day I think is best.


the ultimate breakfast is truly what is fulfilling to you, tastes good, something you want to eat and ideally keeps you full for 3+ hours. it is normal to need a snack between breakfast and lunch. honor your hunger.i find i like to switch it up week to week. some weeks i like to have a bagel sandwich with a protein (veg sausage for me) loaded with tomatoes, lettuce, etc. some weeks i like a protein rich cereal with soy milk and add in fruit. jazzed up oatmeal (savory or sweet!) is another option. if you want an omelet, make an omelet. this is a nutrition subreddit, not a dieting one, so please carefully consider comments telling you to skip meals or that you need to eat such a good breakfast that you don’t need snacks. everybody is different, adjust these suggestions to your lifestyle and needs.


I take a 1/2 cup of organic old-fashioned oats and add some frozen organic berries. I add 1/2 cup water and microwave for 3 minutes. I then add a heaping tablespoon of organic flaxseed meal and 3 heaping tablespoons of organic plain nonfat yogurt. It’s tasty, fills me up, and I feel good about it.


My go to;

50g Oats (microwave for 2 minutes)15g natural peanut butter1 scoop of whey protein (choose your own flavour)1 teaspoon stevia (because I have a sweet tooth)

Mix it all together and add 150ml skim milk.

I’ve eaten that for breakfast for over 10 years. 🥲


I remember I once had a tin of mackerel and a glass of tomato juice with Tabasco for breakfast cos I was starving (usually not hungry in morning) and it was all I had in my apartment. I was absolutely buzzing all day, it was incredible.


My fav breakfast is banana pancakes 🥞 (made with only 50gr oats, 1 banana, and 2 eggs), top it off with some fresh fruit and you’re good to go. Keeps me off hunger for many many hours, and the balance in macronutrients is perfect! (About 49gr carbs, 21gr protein, and 15gr fat). Top it off with some yoghurt for more proteins, some more nuts for more fat, etc. Lots of varieties. Also contains 9gr of fiber. And is really delicious 🙏🏼


french toast, got the recipe form greg doucette,I eat 4 slices of whole wheat bread (250cal/10g protein and 8g fiber ) and 250 gram of egg white (125cal/25g protein), i add 0 calories sugar, vanilla extract and cinnamon

It keeps me full for 4-5 hours


Oats in every shape and form, it just feels the lightest on my stomach. But if I don’t add protein I get hungry after like an hour. Here are some yummy recipes I follow - https://bellabeat.com/diet-and-nutrition/overnight-oats/.


my favourite breakfast atm is a toasted seeded tortilla, spread with butter and sprinkled with chia seeds and folded, with some fried mushrooms, a little fruit (mostly pomegranate, but i’m very partial to starfruit rn) and some yoghurt.


if this question was on r/cooking i’d tell you about my secret love for potato waffles, but luckily for you it’s not.


Some of my go-tos are:

  1. Oatmeal with banana and cinnamon, with eggs on the side (for a protein source)
  2. Eggs on a whole wheat English muffin
  3. Peanut butter sandwiches with whole wheat bread

In a pinch, I’ll grab a protein bar (one that’s low in sugar) and a banana for breakfast. All of these options keep me full for at least 2-3 hours, if not longer! Usually after 4 hours max though, I’ll need to eat again.


Respectfully- many of the breakfasts listed on the article are ingredients rather. Many can be combined. Oatmeal, chia seeds, berries + coffee or tea. Eggs, toast, fruit etc.

I don’t think it would take long to try this list at all.

But the takeaway could be that you can use oatmeal, toast, fruit as a base for breakfast rather.

I don’t think there’s a best breakfast either but I enjoy


I eat lunch food for breakfast, a starchy carb with protein and a vegetable. Then for sustained energy I eat oat and eggs for my second meal. Then a protein shake before dinner which is the same meal that I had for my first. All meal prepped.


Just a balanced meal. People overthink this stuff way too much, lol. Wouldn’t go crazy on eggs or bacon simply bc of the cholesterol. Heck, half the time I just eat two eggs with some egg whites mixed in and eat it over rice and vegetables. Fat, protein, carbs, phytochemicals, and vitamins and minerals. A lot of times I even eat leftover supper for breakfast 🤷🏻‍♂️ same concept on all my meals. I’m trying to cut back on morning caffeine though, it’ll hurt you haha! Adenosine (makes you sleepy) builds up through the day (natural, makes you sleep at night) and caffeine blocks the receptors. That’s why a lot of people have that afternoon crash, the caffeine wears off and it’s like an adenosine tsunami! Caffeine can even cause you to adapt and form more adenosine receptors, which causes your body to need more caffeine. I’m sticking to around 200 mg a day (after 1:00) if I can


Menemen. 2 green peppers, 1 small onion diced in 3 tblsp olive oil. Cook 10 min at low- medium heat. Add diced riped tomatoes and 1 tsp red pepper paste (optional) ıf tomatoes are not very juicy add 50ml water. Go on cooking till they all simmer. Crack 2 eggs and stir slowly in low heat. Add 1 tsp dried chilli flakes, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp dried oregano and salt. Dont let it cook too much. Whites should be just cooked.


bro tbh blended

oatmeal made on the stove with salt, beets, spinach, peanuts, dark chocolate, cinnamon, chocolate whey protein, pear, banana, strawberries, blueberries or prunes instead of berries. best pre workout breakfast can add cocoa nibs/cocoa powder, coconut oil/mct oil or coconut flakes mby raisins/dates. apples work aswell.

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