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What's your experience with skin tightness after fasting weight loss?

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I have none. Which is why I hate when people say you’ll definitely have loose skin if you loose a lot of weight. It’s just not true for everybody and hearing that made me anxious to lose weight until I lost enough to see I had nothing to worry about after all


It’s very dependant on a lot of factors and is different from person to person. I’m female, 44 yo, was obese for most of my adult life, have had 8 babies (one c section), lost more than a hundred lbs over the last two-ish years with fasting and eating keto. I don’t know how to quantify it exactly, but do have a fair amount of skin, and a lot of it is on my abdomen - see 8 babies and c-section above lol! - so it’s hard to say if I never had any kids what my stomach would look like now. I also have it on my arms, back, sides and thighs. To me the skin is preferable to the fat though. It doesn’t get in the way nearly as much as the fat does imo and certainly the ways my health improved and the things I can do now that I couldn’t do at 350lbs is worth it. They say you can expect 7-10lbs of skin per hundred pounds lost. But yeah the younger you are, the shorter the time you were obese, the slower you lose the weight, your genetics and many more factors go into this. You won’t know until you start losing what your body will do.


I think people have the wrong idea. If skin isn’t damaged before you lose weight it will be fine. People aren’t going from tight healthy skin to loose sagging skin after weight loss. Regardless of how they lose weight. I’ve definitely noticed skin improvements with fasting, but there are areas that have lost their elasticity that my ability to fast is not going to fix.

I think tall people fair the best. They can carry 100lbs of extra weight without their skin stretching to the point of damage.


I think it’s all genetics. I have very little loose skin, mostly inside of thighs. I have lost 122 pounds. I still have 40 left to go. I get people are afraid of it, at this point I rather have the lose skin and consider surgery than remain overweight and die younger. Happy fasting


I lost 150lbs in a year and I half .I did intermittent fasting, skipping breakfast, and have lots of loose skin in my tummy and inner thigh areas. I’ve been maintaining over a year, still skipping breakfast, and it hasn’t tightened up. My only option is surgery.

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Categories: weight loss lose weight obese keto stomach to fast overweight intermittent fasting