| | Water Fasting

What’s your mantra?

I really like IF and am easing into longer fasts. Never thought I’d say something like that, but this time around trying it, I’m really getting it more. I feel great after 2 weeks of experimenting.

However, I have a lot of old habits to break if I’m going to make this a lifestyle. Can you tell me if you have any mantras that work for you? Any quick things you bring into your mind to help turn your thoughts? Right now I’m getting a lot of value out of “hunger is always the same hunger,” which reminds me that hunger usually passes. I’d love to learn more and see what else might work to keep the motivation going. :)

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Eating food is just not something I do. I’ve never eaten before; I’ll never eat again.

This mindset helps me to avoid thinking about foods I’ve enjoyed in the past, and keeps me from looking forward to eating in the future.


Progress not perfection. It’s so easy to beat yourself up for missing a goal instead of recognizing the success you had. This is especially true if you’re trying to change a lot at once, i.e., fasting longer, giving up sugar, moving more, eating keto, etc.

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Categories: habits mindset tea sugar keto