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What’s your source for electrolytes and various other vitamins?

Getting into fasting seriously now, and was wondering what reliable sources I can buy or make at home for electrolytes and salts, etc.

Preferably something I can make, or something i can buy in a store(USA) as I’ve got ptsd from delivering packages as a mailwoman😅

EDIT: yes, I’ve read the auto reply with the links. It did not generate until I posted this post, so I wasn’t aware it even did that. I’d still like to know yalls personal preferences, as well as any supplements or drops or whatever you DONT like or would tell others to stay away from Thanks!

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You know the top comment you got here? It has a link. “Electrolytes”. If you click that link and follow it, it has a literal home-made recipe for electrolytes! It even gives you options and variations.

I use a store bought one, but their electrolyte recipe is perfectly fine.

My problem is more stomaching the taste due to childhood trauma. I am currently using bone broth to get my electrolytes even though in the most literal sense, it breaks the fast (not to any scientifically noteworthy degree, however; so I’m fine with it, ymmv).

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