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When doing Fasting, would having Bone Broth break the fast?

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Depends on your definition. Some people say no. I would say yes. It’s kind of up to you, and the reason you are fasting. I don’t think there is any benefit to the bone broth except indulging yourself, but that’s just me. I think there is a benefit to not consuming anything with calories not just for the ketogenic effect, but also that you give your digestive system a break. I don’t think the human digestive system is really designed to take on loads of work every single day without days off. The only muscle designed for that is the heart.


Most tend to say yes, depending again how hard-core you define fasting. It is a good way to break the fast though. Bone broth, maybe 1 or 2 hard boiled eggs, then wait a couple hours and eat.Are you using that as a substitute for snake juice? I would say it definitely does taste better. LOLHere’s the thing, people mainly fast for 2 reasons, weight loss or serious “health” reasons and to heal their body. IMO if you’re doing it just for weight loss, then the main goal is NOT eating food/junk/calories/carbs. If drinking broth is gonna help you, make you go longer without refeed, etc, then go for it. You will lose weight still for sure.HOWEVER, if it’s mainly healing you’re doing, then stick to snake juice only. During fasting your body really only needs 3 things, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The 3 magic minerals to keep you going 👍

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