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When I cheat, I fart like crazy

TL;DR: How is it possible to have cheat days?

Been fasting 17:7 and keto since the beginning of July. Yesterday I had sort of a mental breakdown and went into binge eating mode. Haven’t done that this bad since I started IF, only one day where I finished one of my kid’s ice cream and had some waffles with jam at night. Yesterday, my stomach was acting insane! Even though I actually stayed inside my eating window. Ate a small chicken salad (keto), but then a large cardamom bun, a small QP menu and a McFlurry, some sugary chocolate milk and for dinner two slices of normal bread with brown cheese (yes, I’m Norwegian).

This was a lot for my body to digest, I get it. But is it normal to get suuuuuper gassy just by eating some baked goods? Sorry for TMI: Later last night I also spent a good portion of the evening in the bathroom..

I have a lot of weight to lose, but I feel like one of the alleged perks of IF is the possibility to have a waffle once in a blue moon without that many consequences. Anyone with the same experiences? I see people having “cheat days” and I just don’t feel like I can do that if this is the result 😬

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I did keto for 6 months a few years back. When I cheated the first time in month 4 with chicken and waffles
 I had the same reaction. My dietician said it was a reaction to the gluten. The good news was in about 24 hours I felt less gassy but still kinda slow and eh.. and in 48 hours I felt back to my light, happier keto self.

It made me not want to cheat again anytime soon and when I came off keto at my goal weight I avoided gluten for months! 😂


Your gut microbiome can change given enough time. The food we eat will support what ever gut flora we’ve got going on. I suspect your microbiome is changing relative to your eating cycle and likely some of it has sloughed off. This also sounds like you are becoming lactose intolerant behind these changes or life and aging changes in general, could just be a convergence of body changes.


Not being judgemental, but this was more than a waffle once in a blue moon. My gut is now very sensitive to wheat and sugar. I eat it in small amounts, but anymore than that provokes a bowel tsunami. Sometimes it is worth it, usually not.


I prefer to call it a choice with consequences. IF has taught me to male better choices, but sometimes I cant/won’t. I deal with the predictable outcome. I wanted some bread the other day, really bad. Unfortunately followed by a 12 hour night shift. Spent a lot of time in empty rooms blowing impressive volcano farts. The bread was good tho.

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