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When to fit in strength training doing rolling 48s/72s?

Hello! I have been doing rolling 48s and sometimes 72, working my way up to rolling 72s. I currently just do light-medium cardio the morning of the first fast day but I want to start weight training again.

I’m having a hard time figuring out where to fit in weight lifting to get the best results?

My goals are mostly fat and weight loss (around 50lbs) but last time I lost weight I wasn’t happy with the skinny fat look I had so hoping to do strength training along the way!

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Hi! I’m fairly new to rolling 48’s myself but have been If for awhile and have done several long fasts (4 plus days). I’ve been back on strength training since December and I’ve been doing a 2 upper body, 2 lower body split. When I did the longer fasts, I would still do strength training, I would just listen to my body. So for rolling 48s maybe strength training the day you start your fast, and maybe skip the second day, and then train the third day and then keep with that schedule. And so on perhaps your weakest day (36 hours in ) do some walking or whatever. That way you could ease into strength training without messing with your fast.

So maybe it would look something like :

sun -you start fast at 8pmMon- fast and strength train Tuesday- still fasting day off (eat at 8pm or keep fasting)Wednesday- eating day/train start fasting 8pmThursday - fasting/ trainFriday - fasting dont train (break fast at 8pm or keep fasting)Saturday - eating day /train

Does that make sense? Lol. Be sure and eat enough protein on eating days and get in plenty of electrolytes/water on fasting days.

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