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When you guys do OMAD, do you fast for 24hrs?

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Not at all. My sleeping schedule is all over the place, I don’t use any IF trackers because they just don’t work for me, so I simply aim to have one meal + a snack or a desert about 3-4 hours before I go to sleep. Works out perfectly.

I also count calories to make sure I get at least 1200 daily and I think this is what matters most. Otherwise it’s really easy to not eat enough.


Well, yes and no.

In periods where I have been doing OMAD (or rather “six meals a week”) there have been days where my meal has been at 16:00, and other days where it’s been at 19:00. This means that sometimes my fast may only be 21 hours, and on other days maybe 27.


you can do an OMAD that still allows you do 20 hour fasts only if you want. Like an OMAD + a small snack.

Or even the “slim-fast” method from when I was a youngster. A shake for breakfast, another for lunch and a sensible dinner. You can do that as a 16/8. You spend the day hanging on and being hungry but not delirious, distracted hungry, but then you get to eat the fulfilling dinner.

Pure OMAD folks, though, just eat the one meal.


Yes it comes out to about a 24 hour fast period. Once in a blue moon I may break the fast early but that is generally when I can’t sleep. When it happens I try to stick to anything with little to no calories / carbs like celery or a pickle just to tied me over.


After doing OMAD for about a year now, I’ve found that I pretty much just listen to my body. I don’t necessarily wait 24 hours between meals, and due to the nature of OMAD, I figure it works itself out. I usually eat sometime between 12 PM and 4PM on weekdays, and maybe around 8 PM on weekends since I unleash my inner night owl then


I eat anywhere from 4-6…..strictly keto. I gorge myself until I’m full. Probably around 2k calories. Then I take my vitamin regimen, drink a shot of fire cider and wolf down a green tea. Same shit next day. So it’s usually 23/1 but I’m not angry if it’s 22/2


I typically do 23:1 with OMAD. I’ve done several 24-72hr fasts for the autophagy health benefits. When I do those I take these fasting electrolytes which help with energy, headaches, dizziness and hunger. https://www.amazon.com/Extended-Electrolytes-Himalayan-B-Complex-Vitamins/dp/B08ZYWC5Q8/ref=sr_1_5?crid=17PNHAV7LMM0L&keywords=reset+electrolytes&qid=1671201758&sprefix=Reset+%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-5

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