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Which are the healing milestone days in a dry fast?


Which days are the healing milestones to look for? If my health issue is going to be healed will I see the improvement during the fast, or will it only show after breaking? I have a chronic back-seizure problem which has a root in the autonomic-nervous-system—out of my control, triggers in response to mental stimuli like stress and mental activity. Going for two weeks and tbh probably will just go for terminal dehydration if I don’t see any improvement by that point because totally exhausted and defeated by this illness. 4 days done so far with no improvement.

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Hi Galen,

if I remember correctly, Sergei Filinov talks about that in this interview


Healing takes time and nobody can tell you when exactly it is going to be better for you. But fasting resets the immune system and hormonal system it such a way that healing takes place for the next weeks and months. But you need to be aware of how to do a proper refeeding. That is not simple.


Filinov lets people dry fast up to 11 days (after a lot of preparation). But it is done in the humid, natural settings of altai mountains. And people get certain treatments at the same time such as massages which do a great deal for detox and stimulation of the body. I experienced the effect of lymph drainage right now myself twice during this fast. So the fast is very powerful but also the context surrounding it.

I am suffering from chronic pain and currently undertaking a 28-day water fast with a coach. That coach recommended me to include dry fasts within the water fast to improve healing efficacy.

I am on day 12 now and just included a 2 day dry fast. Now it will take me 2 days to rehydrate and I can go for another dry fast, maybe aiming for 3 days then.

I have done a 21 day water fast alone in the past and that was extremely difficult becase I was so alone and I did not know how to deal with detox symptoms and help my body with it. This time I am therefore workin with the coach and I find it extremely helpful. I think he can also help you with some of your questions in order to make your fasting and healing more succesful. Contact me, if you are interested, and I will give you his contacts.

Whatever you do, I wish you strength and healing and send you support from my heart, because I am suffering myself.

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Categories: dry fast stress refeeding pain water fast 21 day water fast heart