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Which artificial sweeteners cause insulin immunity?

I wanted to know which which artificial sweeteners cause insulin immunity to avoid them and which ones are safe to use.

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Normally, Insulin Resistance or Insulin Immunity is caused by getting insulin high, and keeping it high, for very long periods of time. No reasonable amount of sweeteners will cause that.

Grazing on high glycemic foods all day on the other hand….. thats how half of america has some level of IR


Try brushing your teeth or having an unsweetened peppermint tea after meals instead.

Artificial sweeteners that are alcohols (eg xylitol) can upset your stomach if you have too much—Google the legendary, hilarious sugar free haribo bears review to find out what it does.

There’s also suggestion that artificial sweeteners cause increased cravings for sugary food, so they’re a bit of a false economy.


Artificial sweetener, when consumed with sugar, can spike insulin even higher than sugar alone. As crazy as that sounds.

Artificial sweetenes (aspartame, sucrose, and saccharin) have been shown to alter the gut microbiome resulting in glucose intolerance resulting in metabolic issues you would expect from excess sugar.

Erythritol, fermented fruit sugars mostly, has shown to be mostly benign. Any sweetner ending in “ol” can act as a laxative though at higher doses.

Allulose (Psicose) may be worth a look. It doesn’t raise blood sugar, even in diabetics.






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