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Which five fruits do you include in your 5 a day and why?

Which health benefits do you gain from your choices?

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I’d be lying if I said I managed to get 5 different fruits in every day, haha.

I usually have blueberries, a kiwi and an apple a day.

Blueberries are great for you, full of antioxidants. I read that kiwis can be helpful for more regular BMs and I am noticing a positive difference while eating 1-2 a day. Apples are just such an easy snack and they stay fresh for ages in the fridge.


This week is;


I think the ‘5 a day’ campaign refers not just to fruit but to fruit & vegetables combined, so you could have 3 serves of veg and 2 serves of fruit for example. There is actually new evidence that recommends doubling that to 10 serves of fruit and veg a day though.

Variety is incredibly important so I don’t really choose specific fruits for their benefits instead I aim to eat a range throughout the week and try to change it up fairly regularly. This week for example I have green grapes because I was just craving them, strawberries because they were on sale, oranges because they were included in my CSA produce box, frozen mixed berries because I’m on a parfait kick and apples because I have some left over from Christmas.


i rotate between what appeals to me, what’s seasonal, and how much fiber i need. on an average day i eat these:

apples - keeps me full, love the crunch, pairs well with almost any veg, economical.

banana - potassium. easy for smoothies. lower fiber than apples and i don’t need to wash them to eat them. .79/lb organic! no brainer.

blueberries- lower calorie options and antioxidant powerhouse; x

avocados - soluble and insoluble fiber; monounsat. fats

zucchini - low fiber option if i’m eating more sweet fruits throughout the day


I try to stay in season but always splurge on organic berries because they’re satisfying for dessert with fresh or whipped cream and low carb. I have insulin resistance and definitely notice that they don’t spike my sugar.

When I feel like cheating, I really enjoy dates with peanut butter. I also enjoy tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, passion fruit, and guava.


Banana because those rock (and also potassium)Oranges, mandarines or any citrus fruit for vitamin c and the “sour” flavorsFrozen berries because they are great to store and dont need much preparation (like peeling) Grapes as a snack because they are fun to eat and are sweet


The main fruits that I eat are bananas, apples, pears, oranges, berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, plums), and melons (watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe). Though not all in the same day. On a typical day I will usually have bananas, some kind of frozen berries, and one additional fruit of whatever is in season.


I eat dried fruit. All below are dried. I tear up the bigger ones and make a dried fruit mix with coffee beans and walnuts and Golden Berries. The benefits are tons of fiber, and a host of micro nutrients.

  1. Mulberries
  2. Apricots
  3. Cherries
  4. Angelino Plums
  5. Pears
  6. Peaches


I try my best. Today it’s blueberry/spinach/yogurt/chia smoothie for breakfast; bok choy Caesar salad for lunch plus an apple; dinner is fish/roasted tomatoes, olives, onions with brown rice and a side of broccoli. May have a clementine after dinner. I try to eat berries and leafy greens every day because I swear I have brain fog otherwise.


Always keeping it seasonal! So currently cranberries, bramley apples, dried dates and an occasional pomegranate and banana.

I find these give me a balance of potassium, vit c and antioxidants. All helpful in the context of a healthy diet.


Strawberries (vitamin c), blueberries (high as hell antioxidants), bananas (decent source of potassium & higher in calories which I need), apples (I like the taste & they’re a good source of fiber), and last ethier oranges, kiwi, or pomegranate seeds I like to mix my variety up.

Kiwi steals the show for nutrient density, but I don’t eat them everyday because I hate cutting them up and I refuse to eat the skin.


Blueberries and bananas are my main two. Then sometimes I’ll have an apple or some mixed berries. That’s about it. I focus more on getting a wide range of veggies. Oh, and occasionally pumpkin, tomato, avocado


I’ve been told by doctors that the 5+ a day should be mostly vegetables, so at the moment my go to is corgette/zucchini, tomato, spinach, green beans, capsicum, carrot, potatoes.

My fave fruits are kiwifruit, strawberries, mandarin, apple, mango, and greenish bananas. I usually only have one or two of these a day while trying to get as many veges as possible.

Edit: kiwifruit is great for Vit C, strawberries have vit c, fibre and antioxidants, mandarins have vit a,b,c, apple has fibre and antioxidants, mango is classes as a superfood, and greenish bananas have more fibre and other benefits than yellow (and taste better imo)


If you mean fruit and veg it depends on what is in season and what I am in the mood for.

The 5 variations I try for are red/wine, orange/yellow, dark green, white/brown, and blue/purple/black. Why? It’s pretty. I like variety. Access to various antioxidants and things. I unscientifically include fungus in this category as well. I also try for some fresh/frozen, fermented, raw, and cooked. Different preparations unleash different nutrients. Example the lycopene in tomatoes or beneficial bacteria in kimchi.


Been pretty bad about getting 5+ servings lately.

But typically, I follow the 1-2-3 method

1 serving at breakfast2 at lunchAnd 3 between whatever remaining meals I have

Blueberries at breakfast, some cruciferous veggies (mostly cabbage and broccoli) with an apple or a banana at lunch, and then some watermelon for a snack and two or more servings of vegetables at dinner. It not typically anything specific for dinner but that about sums up my day. I could probably eat more vegetables but that’s helped me stay fairly consistent


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Even on days when I’m very calorie restricted, I’ll eat some almonds lately. They’re technically a fruit. I’m also fine with avocado, but they are unpredictable.

Otherwise I don’t eat fruit much, or even recommend it. But the dark berries are good.

edit: my “why” = cost and carbs

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