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Which protocol while keeping weight lifting?

Which protocol for who have only about 12kg to loose and want hit hard on the gym Monday to Friday you suggest?

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If you just want to lose a small amount of weight and want to be working out for a short time I would recommend just doing HIIT, which is not weight lifting. Otherwise I would recommend stronglifts 5X5, but this is a little bit more of a commitment. You will need to start small and learn the movements, so not ideal for just hitting the gym over a relatively short period and losing some fat. Just remember that you whatever you do, you are on a calorie deficit, so your body isn’t going to be repairing itself as effectively. Don’t overdo it, give your body time to rest or you will injure yourself. This is especially so if you’re getting back in the gym after a long period of not working out.


I respectfully disagree with the answers so far. Let me tell you the most aggressive, to my knowledge, way to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Not even sure Cole has brought this up but you could do it every single day and lose massive amounts of weight while building muscle.

If you eat .8 grams of protein per pound of LEAN MASS, you can still build muscle in a defecit. Your body only needs 2 things (basically speaking,for this discussion) to build muscle, PROTEIN and ENERGY. Eat at extremely high protein, even use whey if you need to, and your body will pull energy from your fat stores. If you want a “fasted day”, you would simply do enough cardio to burn off the calories you would need to get your protein in. It absolutely can be done. Then you would just eat (or drink) that protein.. half before workout and half after (my suggestion). It’s the most aggressive cut possible while still being able to maintain and even build muscle. For example if you eat high enough protein dense food you could get all that protein in 800 calories. If you burn even half of that off with cardio your are still at a massive defecit and you can train everyday. You could effectively lose the same amount of fat in 7 days as a 7 day fast while building muscle. It is absolutely possible if you have decent body fat to begin with. This only becomes difficult when you are already lean.

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